/* * Copyright (c) 2005 ASPEED Technology Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of the authors not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. The authors makes no representations * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided * "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * THE AUTHORS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* Eng Capability Definition */ #define ENG_CAP_Sync 0x0001 #define ENG_CAP_ScreenToScreenCopy 0x0002 #define ENG_CAP_SolidFill 0x0004 #define ENG_CAP_SolidLine 0x0008 #define ENG_CAP_DashedLine 0x0010 #define ENG_CAP_Mono8x8PatternFill 0x0020 #define ENG_CAP_Color8x8PatternFill 0x0040 #define ENG_CAP_CPUToScreenColorExpand 0x0080 #define ENG_CAP_ScreenToScreenColorExpand 0x0100 #define ENG_CAP_Clipping 0x0200 #define ENG_CAP_ALL (ENG_CAP_Sync | ENG_CAP_ScreenToScreenCopy | ENG_CAP_SolidFill | \ ENG_CAP_SolidLine | ENG_CAP_DashedLine | \ ENG_CAP_Mono8x8PatternFill | ENG_CAP_Color8x8PatternFill | \ ENG_CAP_Clipping); /* CMDQ Definition */ #define AGP_CMD_QUEUE 1 #define VM_CMD_QUEUE 0 #define VM_CMD_MMIO 2 #define CMD_QUEUE_SIZE_256K 0x00040000 #define CMD_QUEUE_SIZE_512K 0x00080000 #define CMD_QUEUE_SIZE_1M 0x00100000 #define CMD_QUEUE_SIZE_2M 0x00200000 #define CMD_QUEUE_SIZE_4M 0x00400000 #define PIXEL_FMT_YV12 FOURCC_YV12 /* 0x32315659 */ #define PIXEL_FMT_UYVY FOURCC_UYVY /* 0x59565955 */ #define PIXEL_FMT_YUY2 FOURCC_YUY2 /* 0x32595559 */ #define PIXEL_FMT_RGB5 0x35315652 #define PIXEL_FMT_RGB6 0x36315652 #define PIXEL_FMT_YVYU 0x55595659 #define PIXEL_FMT_NV12 0x3231564e #define PIXEL_FMT_NV21 0x3132564e /* CMD Type Info */ #define PKT_NULL_CMD 0x00009561 #define PKT_BURST_CMD_HEADER0 0x00009564 #define PKT_SINGLE_LENGTH 8 #define PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER 0x00009562 typedef struct _PKT_SC { ULONG PKT_SC_dwHeader; ULONG PKT_SC_dwData[1]; } PKT_SC, *PPKT_SC; /* Packet CMD Scale */ #define PKT_TYPESCALE_LENGTH 56 #define PKT_TYPESCALE_DATALENGTH (0xC<<16) #define PKT_TYPESCALE_ADDRSTART 0x00000000 typedef struct _BURSTSCALECMD { ULONG dwHeader0; ULONG dwSrcBaseAddr; /* 8000 */ union { struct { USHORT wSrcDummy; /* 8004 */ USHORT wSrcPitch; /* 8006 */ }; ULONG dwSrcPitch; /* 8004 */ }; ULONG dwDstBaseAddr; /* 8008 */ union { struct { USHORT wDstHeight; /* 800C */ USHORT wDstPitch; /* 800E */ }; ULONG dwDstHeightPitch; /* 800C */ }; union { struct { short wDstY; /* 8010 */ short wDstX; /* 8012 */ }; ULONG dwDstXY; /* 8010 */ }; union { struct { short wSrcY; /* 8014 */ short wSrcX; /* 8016 */ }; ULONG dwSrcXY; /* 8014 */ }; union { struct { USHORT wRecHeight; /* 8018 */ USHORT wRecWidth; /* 801A */ }; ULONG dwRecHeightWidth; /* 8018 */ }; ULONG dwInitScaleFactorH; /* 801C */ ULONG dwInitScaleFactorV; /* 8020 */ ULONG dwScaleFactorH; /* 8024 */ ULONG dwScaleFactorV; /* 8028 */ ULONG dwCmd; /* 823C */ ULONG NullData[1]; } BURSTSCALECMD, *PBURSTSCALECMD; /* Eng Reg. Limitation */ #define MAX_SRC_X 0x7FF #define MAX_SRC_Y 0x7FF #define MAX_DST_X 0x7FF #define MAX_DST_Y 0x7FF #define MASK_SRC_PITCH 0x1FFF #define MASK_DST_PITCH 0x1FFF #define MASK_DST_HEIGHT 0x7FF #define MASK_SRC_X 0xFFF #define MASK_SRC_Y 0xFFF #define MASK_DST_X 0xFFF #define MASK_DST_Y 0xFFF #define MASK_RECT_WIDTH 0x7FF #define MASK_RECT_HEIGHT 0x7FF #define MASK_CLIP 0xFFF #define MASK_LINE_X 0xFFF #define MASK_LINE_Y 0xFFF #define MASK_LINE_ERR 0x3FFFFF #define MASK_LINE_WIDTH 0x7FF #define MASK_LINE_K1 0x3FFFFF #define MASK_LINE_K2 0x3FFFFF #define MASK_AIPLINE_X 0xFFF #define MASK_AIPLINE_Y 0xFFF #define MAX_PATReg_Size 256 /* Eng Reg. Definition */ /* MMIO Reg */ #define MMIOREG_SRC_BASE (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8000) #define MMIOREG_SRC_PITCH (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8004) #define MMIOREG_DST_BASE (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8008) #define MMIOREG_DST_PITCH (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x800C) #define MMIOREG_DST_XY (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8010) #define MMIOREG_SRC_XY (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8014) #define MMIOREG_RECT_XY (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8018) #define MMIOREG_FG (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x801C) #define MMIOREG_BG (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8020) #define MMIOREG_FG_SRC (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8024) #define MMIOREG_BG_SRC (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8028) #define MMIOREG_MONO1 (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x802C) #define MMIOREG_MONO2 (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8030) #define MMIOREG_CLIP1 (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8034) #define MMIOREG_CLIP2 (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8038) #define MMIOREG_CMD (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x803C) #define MMIOREG_PAT (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8100) #define MMIOREG_LINE_XY (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8010) #define MMIOREG_LINE_Err (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8014) #define MMIOREG_LINE_WIDTH (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8018) #define MMIOREG_LINE_K1 (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8024) #define MMIOREG_LINE_K2 (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8028) #define MMIOREG_LINE_STYLE1 (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x802C) #define MMIOREG_LINE_STYLE2 (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8030) #define MMIOREG_LINE_XY2 (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8014) #define MMIOREG_LINE_NUMBER (pAST->MMIOVirtualAddr + 0x8018) /* CMDQ Reg */ #define CMDQREG_SRC_BASE (0x00 << 24) #define CMDQREG_SRC_PITCH (0x01 << 24) #define CMDQREG_DST_BASE (0x02 << 24) #define CMDQREG_DST_PITCH (0x03 << 24) #define CMDQREG_DST_XY (0x04 << 24) #define CMDQREG_SRC_XY (0x05 << 24) #define CMDQREG_RECT_XY (0x06 << 24) #define CMDQREG_FG (0x07 << 24) #define CMDQREG_BG (0x08 << 24) #define CMDQREG_FG_SRC (0x09 << 24) #define CMDQREG_BG_SRC (0x0A << 24) #define CMDQREG_MONO1 (0x0B << 24) #define CMDQREG_MONO2 (0x0C << 24) #define CMDQREG_CLIP1 (0x0D << 24) #define CMDQREG_CLIP2 (0x0E << 24) #define CMDQREG_CMD (0x0F << 24) #define CMDQREG_PAT (0x40 << 24) #define CMDQREG_LINE_XY (0x04 << 24) #define CMDQREG_LINE_Err (0x05 << 24) #define CMDQREG_LINE_WIDTH (0x06 << 24) #define CMDQREG_LINE_K1 (0x09 << 24) #define CMDQREG_LINE_K2 (0x0A << 24) #define CMDQREG_LINE_STYLE1 (0x0B << 24) #define CMDQREG_LINE_STYLE2 (0x0C << 24) #define CMDQREG_LINE_XY2 (0x05 << 24) #define CMDQREG_LINE_NUMBER (0x06 << 24) /* CMD Reg. Definition */ #define CMD_BITBLT 0x00000000 #define CMD_LINEDRAW 0x00000001 #define CMD_COLOREXP 0x00000002 #define CMD_ENHCOLOREXP 0x00000003 #define CMD_TRANSPARENTBLT 0x00000004 #define CMD_TYPE_SCALE 0x00000005 #define CMD_MASK 0x00000007 #define CMD_DISABLE_CLIP 0x00000000 #define CMD_ENABLE_CLIP 0x00000008 #define CMD_COLOR_08 0x00000000 #define CMD_COLOR_16 0x00000010 #define CMD_COLOR_32 0x00000020 #define CMD_SRC_SIQ 0x00000040 #define CMD_TRANSPARENT 0x00000080 #define CMD_PAT_FGCOLOR 0x00000000 #define CMD_PAT_MONOMASK 0x00010000 #define CMD_PAT_PATREG 0x00020000 #define CMD_OPAQUE 0x00000000 #define CMD_FONT_TRANSPARENT 0x00040000 #define CMD_X_INC 0x00000000 #define CMD_X_DEC 0x00200000 #define CMD_Y_INC 0x00000000 #define CMD_Y_DEC 0x00100000 #define CMD_NT_LINE 0x00000000 #define CMD_NORMAL_LINE 0x00400000 #define CMD_DRAW_LAST_PIXEL 0x00000000 #define CMD_NOT_DRAW_LAST_PIXEL 0x00800000 #define CMD_DISABLE_LINE_STYLE 0x00000000 #define CMD_ENABLE_LINE_STYLE 0x40000000 #define CMD_RESET_STYLE_COUNTER 0x80000000 #define CMD_NOT_RESET_STYLE_COUNTER 0x00000000 #define BURST_FORCE_CMD 0x80000000 #define YUV_FORMAT_YUYV (0UL<<12) #define YUV_FORMAT_YVYU (1UL<<12) #define YUV_FORMAT_UYVY (2UL<<12) #define YUV_FORMAT_VYUY (3UL<<12) #define SCALE_FORMAT_RGB2RGB (0UL<<14) #define SCALE_FORMAT_YUV2RGB (1UL<<14) #define SCALE_FORMAT_RGB2RGB_DOWN (2UL<<14) /* RGB32 to RGB16 */ #define SCALE_FORMAT_RGB2RGB_UP (3UL<<14) /* RGB16 to RGB32 */ #define SCALE_SEG_NUM_1 (0x3FUL<<24) /* DstWi >= SrcWi */ #define SCALE_SEG_NUM_2 (0x1FUL<<24) /* DstWi < SrcWi */ #define SCALE_EQUAL_VER (0x1UL<<23) /* Line */ #define LINEPARAM_XM 0x00000001 #define LINEPARAM_X_DEC 0x00000002 #define LINEPARAM_Y_DEC 0x00000004 typedef struct _LINEPARAM { USHORT dsLineX; USHORT dsLineY; USHORT dsLineWidth; ULONG dwErrorTerm; ULONG dwK1Term; ULONG dwK2Term; ULONG dwLineAttributes; } LINEPARAM, *PLINEPARAM; typedef struct { LONG X1; LONG Y1; LONG X2; LONG Y2; } _LINEInfo; /* Macro */ /* MMIO 2D Macro */ #define ASTSetupSRCBase_MMIO(base) \ { \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_SRC_BASE) = (ULONG) (base); \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_SRC_BASE) != (ULONG) (base)); \ } #define ASTSetupSRCPitch_MMIO(pitch) \ { \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_SRC_PITCH) = (ULONG)(pitch << 16); \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_SRC_PITCH) != (ULONG)(pitch << 16)); \ } #define ASTSetupDSTBase_MMIO(base) \ { \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_DST_BASE) = (ULONG)(base); \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_DST_BASE) != (ULONG)(base)); \ } #define ASTSetupDSTPitchHeight_MMIO(pitch, height) \ { \ ULONG dstpitch; \ dstpitch = (ULONG)((pitch << 16) + ((height) & MASK_DST_HEIGHT)); \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_DST_PITCH) = dstpitch; \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_DST_PITCH) != dstpitch); \ } #define ASTSetupDSTXY_MMIO(x, y) \ { \ ULONG dstxy; \ dstxy = (ULONG)(((x & MASK_DST_X) << 16) + (y & MASK_DST_Y)); \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_DST_XY) = dstxy; \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_DST_XY) != dstxy); \ } #define ASTSetupSRCXY_MMIO(x, y) \ { \ ULONG srcxy; \ srcxy = (ULONG)(((x & MASK_SRC_X) << 16) + (y & MASK_SRC_Y)); \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_SRC_XY) = srcxy; \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_SRC_XY) != srcxy); \ } #define ASTSetupRECTXY_MMIO(x, y) \ { \ ULONG rectxy; \ rectxy = (ULONG)(((x & MASK_RECT_WIDTH) << 16) + (y & MASK_RECT_WIDTH)); \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_RECT_XY) = rectxy; \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_RECT_XY) != rectxy); \ } #define ASTSetupFG_MMIO(color) \ { \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_FG) = (ULONG)(color); \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_FG) != (ULONG)(color)); \ } #define ASTSetupBG_MMIO(color) \ { \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_BG) = (ULONG)(color); \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_BG) != (ULONG)(color)); \ } #define ASTSetupMONO1_MMIO(pat) \ { \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_MONO1) = (ULONG)(pat); \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_MONO1) != (ULONG)(pat)); \ } #define ASTSetupMONO2_MMIO(pat) \ { \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_MONO2) = (ULONG)(pat); \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_MONO2) != (ULONG)(pat)); \ } #define ASTSetupCLIP1_MMIO(left, top) \ { \ ULONG clip1; \ clip1 = (ULONG)(((left & MASK_CLIP) << 16) + (top & MASK_CLIP)); \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_CLIP1) = clip1; \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_CLIP1) != clip1); \ } #define ASTSetupCLIP2_MMIO(right, bottom) \ { \ ULONG clip2; \ clip2 = (ULONG)(((right & MASK_CLIP) << 16) + (bottom & MASK_CLIP)); \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_CLIP2) = clip2; \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_CLIP2) != clip2); \ } #define ASTSetupCMDReg_MMIO(reg) \ { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_CMD) = (ULONG)(reg); \ } #define ASTSetupPatReg_MMIO(patreg, pat) \ { \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_PAT + patreg*4) = (ULONG)(pat); \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_PAT + patreg*4) != (ULONG)(pat)); \ } /* Line CMD */ #define ASTSetupLineXY_MMIO(x, y) \ { \ ULONG linexy; \ linexy = (ULONG)(((x & MASK_LINE_X) << 16) + (y & MASK_LINE_Y)); \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_XY) = linexy; \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_XY) != linexy); \ } #define ASTSetupLineXMErrTerm_MMIO(xm, err) \ { \ ULONG lineerr; \ lineerr = (ULONG)((xm << 24) + (err & MASK_LINE_ERR)); \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_Err) = lineerr; \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_Err) != lineerr); \ } #define ASTSetupLineWidth_MMIO(width) \ { \ ULONG linewidth; \ linewidth = (ULONG)((width & MASK_LINE_WIDTH) << 16); \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_WIDTH) = linewidth; \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_WIDTH) != linewidth); \ } #define ASTSetupLineK1Term_MMIO(err) \ { \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_K1) = (ULONG)(err & MASK_LINE_K1); \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_K1) != (ULONG)(err & MASK_LINE_K1)); \ } #define ASTSetupLineK2Term_MMIO(err) \ { \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_K2) = (ULONG)(err & MASK_LINE_K2); \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_K2) != (ULONG)(err & MASK_LINE_K2)); \ } #define ASTSetupLineStyle1_MMIO(pat) \ { \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_STYLE1) = (ULONG)(pat); \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_STYLE1) != (ULONG)(pat)); \ } #define ASTSetupLineStyle2_MMIO(pat) \ { \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_STYLE2) = (ULONG)(pat); \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_STYLE2) != (ULONG)(pat)); \ } /* AIP Line CMD */ #define AIPSetupLineXY_MMIO(x, y) \ { \ ULONG linexy; \ linexy = (ULONG)(((x & MASK_AIPLINE_X) << 16) + (y & MASK_AIPLINE_Y)); \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_XY) = linexy; \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_XY) != linexy); \ } #define AIPSetupLineXY2_MMIO(x, y) \ { \ ULONG linexy; \ linexy = (ULONG)(((x & MASK_AIPLINE_X) << 16) + (y & MASK_AIPLINE_Y)); \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_XY2) = linexy; \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_XY2) != linexy); \ } #define AIPSetupLineNumber_MMIO(no) \ { \ do { \ *(ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_NUMBER) = (ULONG) no; \ } while (*(volatile ULONG *)(MMIOREG_LINE_NUMBER) != (ULONG) no); \ } /* CMDQ Mode Macro */ #define mUpdateWritePointer *(ULONG *) (pAST->CMDQInfo.pjWritePort) = (pAST->CMDQInfo.ulWritePointer >>3) /* General CMD */ #define ASTSetupSRCBase(addr, base) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_SRC_BASE); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(base); \ } #define ASTSetupSRCPitch(addr, pitch) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_SRC_PITCH); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(pitch << 16); \ } #define ASTSetupDSTBase(addr, base) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_DST_BASE); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(base); \ } #define ASTSetupDSTPitchHeight(addr, pitch, height) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_DST_PITCH); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)((pitch << 16) + ((height) & MASK_DST_HEIGHT)); \ } #define ASTSetupDSTXY(addr, x, y) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_DST_XY); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(((x & MASK_DST_X) << 16) + (y & MASK_DST_Y)); \ } #define ASTSetupSRCXY(addr, x, y) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_SRC_XY); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(((x & MASK_SRC_X) << 16) + (y & MASK_SRC_Y)); \ } #define ASTSetupRECTXY(addr, x, y) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_RECT_XY); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(((x & MASK_RECT_WIDTH) << 16) + (y & MASK_RECT_WIDTH)); \ } #define ASTSetupFG(addr, color) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_FG); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(color); \ } #define ASTSetupBG(addr, color) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_BG); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(color); \ } #define ASTSetupMONO1(addr, pat) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_MONO1); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(pat); \ } #define ASTSetupMONO2(addr, pat) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_MONO2); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(pat); \ } #define ASTSetupCLIP1(addr, left, top) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_CLIP1); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(((left & MASK_CLIP) << 16) + (top & MASK_CLIP)); \ } #define ASTSetupCLIP2(addr, right, bottom) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_CLIP2); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(((right & MASK_CLIP) << 16) + (bottom & MASK_CLIP)); \ } #define ASTSetupCMDReg(addr, reg) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_CMD); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(reg); \ } #define ASTSetupPatReg(addr, patreg, pat) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + (CMDQREG_PAT + (patreg << 24))); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(pat); \ } /* Line CMD */ #define ASTSetupLineXY(addr, x, y) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_LINE_XY); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(((x & MASK_LINE_X) << 16) + (y & MASK_LINE_Y)); \ } #define ASTSetupLineXMErrTerm(addr, xm, err) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_LINE_Err); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)((xm << 24) + (err & MASK_LINE_ERR)); \ } #define ASTSetupLineWidth(addr, width) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_LINE_WIDTH); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)((width & MASK_LINE_WIDTH) << 16); \ } #define ASTSetupLineK1Term(addr, err) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_LINE_K1); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(err & MASK_LINE_K1); \ } #define ASTSetupLineK2Term(addr, err) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_LINE_K2); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(err & MASK_LINE_K2); \ } #define ASTSetupLineStyle1(addr, pat) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_LINE_STYLE1); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(pat); \ } #define ASTSetupLineStyle2(addr, pat) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_LINE_STYLE2); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(pat); \ } #define ASTSetupNULLCMD(addr) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG) (PKT_NULL_CMD); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG) 0; \ } /* AIP Line CMD */ #define AIPSetupLineXY(addr, x, y) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_LINE_XY); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(((x & MASK_AIPLINE_X) << 16) + (y & MASK_AIPLINE_Y)); \ } #define AIPSetupLineXY2(addr, x, y) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_LINE_XY2); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(((x & MASK_AIPLINE_X) << 16) + (y & MASK_AIPLINE_Y)); \ } #define AIPSetupLineNumber(addr, no) \ { \ addr->PKT_SC_dwHeader = (ULONG)(PKT_SINGLE_CMD_HEADER + CMDQREG_LINE_NUMBER); \ addr->PKT_SC_dwData[0] = (ULONG)(no); \ } Bool bASTGetLineTerm(_LINEInfo *LineInfo, LINEPARAM *dsLineParam);