tag namexedit-1.1.0 (c5431369f8619b5bc2bfd20a747144c089035ede)
tag date2008-07-30 19:01:32 -0300
tagged byPaulo Cesar Pereira de Andrade <>
tagged objectcommit bc470a831e...
xedit 1.1.0 is a series of patches that reenable some features that were
disabled for significant time in Xorg, as well as several bug fixes, and some new features, like a tags interface that understands multiple projects. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEABECAAYFAkiQ5MEACgkQPdKBRUa20MBPKQCcDCTw+zAdZzGDb8xa2v7GOLiV FFsAn2ShMNaCdbc/Fg+TrN2C1oaM0wNQ =VyBq -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----