project('xkeyboard-config', version: '2.41', license: 'MIT/Expat', meson_version: '>= 0.54.0') dir_data = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('datadir')) dir_xkb_base = join_paths(dir_data, 'X11', 'xkb') dir_xkb_rules = join_paths(dir_xkb_base, 'rules') dir_man7 = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('mandir'), 'man7') dir_pkgconfig = join_paths(dir_data, 'pkgconfig') i18n = import('i18n') pkgconfig = import('pkgconfig') pkgconfig.generate( filebase: 'xkeyboard-config', name: 'XKeyboardConfig', description: 'X Keyboard configuration data', version: meson.project_version(), variables: [ 'datadir=@0@'.format(dir_data), 'xkb_base=@0@'.format(dir_xkb_base), ], install_dir: dir_pkgconfig, dataonly: true, ) # KcGST only need to be installed as-is foreach dir: ['compat', 'geometry', 'keycodes', 'symbols', 'types'] install_subdir(dir, install_dir: dir_xkb_base) endforeach # Rules are a bit more complicated subdir('rules') # man page xsltproc = find_program('xsltproc', required: false) if xsltproc.found() man_substs = configuration_data() man_substs.set('xkb_base', dir_xkb_base) # emulating what the macros do for vendorversion, hardcoding the man # suffixes man_substs.set('vendorversion', '"@0@ @1@" "X Version 11"'.format(meson.project_name(), meson.project_version())) xsl = configure_file(input: 'man/man.xsl', output: 'man.xsl', configuration: man_substs, install: false) # evdev_ruleset is set by rules/ manpage = custom_target('man page', output: 'xkeyboard-config.7', build_by_default: true, command: [xsltproc, '-nonet', xsl, evdev_ruleset], capture: true, install:true, install_dir: dir_man7) verify_group_names = find_program('tests/') test('verify group names', verify_group_names) endif # pytest suite pymod = import('python') python = pymod.find_installation('python3', modules: ['pytest'], required: false) pytest = find_program('pytest-3', 'pytest', required: false) enable_pytest = python.found() and pytest.found() if enable_pytest pytest_args = ['--verbose', '--log-level=DEBUG'] # use pytest xdist if available, it really speeds up the tests cases optional_python_modules = ['xdist'] if pymod.find_installation('python3', modules: optional_python_modules, required: false).found() pytest_args += ['-n', 'auto'] endif # copy our data files over to the build directory so we can use the # builddir as XKB_CONFIG_ROOT foreach dir: ['compat', 'geometry', 'keycodes', 'symbols', 'types'] run_command('tests/', dir, check: true) endforeach test('pytest', pytest, args: pytest_args, env: ['XKB_CONFIG_ROOT=@0@'.format(meson.build_root())], workdir: meson.source_root(), timeout: 60) endif subdir('po')