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index 34a527fc..13490c2d 100644
--- a/BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs.mdwn
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@@ -392,3 +392,4 @@ Meetings are held every second Thursday.
* [[Jan. 10|BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/2024/01-10]]
* [[Jan. 24|BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/2024/01-24]]
* [[Feb. 07|BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/2024/02-07]]
+* [[Feb. 21|BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/2024/02-21]]
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+[[!format txt """
+[17:05:04] [connected at Wed Feb 21 17:05:04 2024]
+[17:05:15] [I have joined #xf-bod]
+[17:07:09] <Lyude> ok hi everyone! So the agenda for today should be: trello let me in :(
+[17:08:30] <Lyude> we'll do it off memory: XDC stuff, EVoC questions from mariacanal, elections
+[17:09:03] <Lyude> mfilion: want to just go over XDC stuff?
+[17:09:24] <Lyude> Oh - also add SFC stuff to the agenda, and I should be able to give the update on that
+[17:11:50] <Lyude> I guess I will go over the SFC stuff first: so we've got a contract from SFC to look at finally, I just need to do that when I get back from work next week
+[17:13:32] <Lyude> nominations end on the 26th and I don't think I see any nominations yet :s
+[17:13:50] <Lyude> So we might need to extend the deadline there, which is pretty normal and should be fine
+[17:14:01] <rg3igalia> mark has self-nominated IIRC
+[17:14:05] <mfilion> XDC I completed some paperwork last week to confirm the room reservation, and now just waiting for contract to communicate dates
+[17:14:12] <mfilion> @Lyude I self nominated but got no reply :(
+[17:14:32] <alyssa> as I said to sima and mfilion -- I'm not planning to run again because I don't have much bandwidth these days. but if it comes down to "we just need warm bodies to fill the seats", yeah, i'm not going to be the reason the org collapses lol
+[17:14:52] <mfilion> I pinged a few other people to run too so hoping to get some names in
+[17:15:14] <mfilion> rg3igalia is anyone going to run in your place over at igalia?
+[17:15:15] <rg3igalia> I'm not running again either, not sure if I had clarified that before :\
+[17:15:45] <rg3igalia> not that I'm aware
+[17:16:02] <rg3igalia> but I haven't asked around, so I don't know the plans
+[17:16:04] <Lyude> I will also make sure to start handling a bit more of this stuff when I get back, I was hoping I could offload some of this but yeah
+[17:16:10] <Lyude> and alyssa I dont think the org will collapse lol
+[17:16:19] <Lyude> having to find volunteers to run is pretty par for the course honestly
+[17:16:33] <rg3igalia> indeed
+[17:17:27] <Lyude> ok, so evoc questions from mariacanal:
+[17:17:48] <Lyude> 06:45 <mairacanal> Could you confirm me which is the status of this student?
+[17:17:50] <Lyude> 06:46 <mairacanal> "Finally, I seek clarification regarding my eligibility for the program. As per the criteria stipulated, a student must be "a half-time or more college or university student during, immediately before, or immediately after their EVoC period." Given that I am applying for EVoC immediately following the conclusion of my academic coursework and
+[17:17:52] <Lyude> 06:46 <mairacanal> awaiting graduation (which can be confirmed with a letter from my school), I am unsure whether I meet this requirement. I kindly request your guidance in this matter. "wow caramel
+[17:18:04] <Lyude> ....sorry that was a message meant for someone else that made it at the end of that
+[17:18:23] <Lyude> anyway - does anyone know the answr to this? I think this sort of thing should be fine since I think that kind of stuff is fine for GSoC too?
+[17:19:19] <Lyude> honestly I'm like 99% sure it's fine but tlwoerner if you have any idea lemme know
+[17:19:34] <Lyude> (also I asked maria to join the #xf-bod channel so that they can more easily ask quetions like that in the future :3
+[17:20:29] <mfilion> yeah sorry I don't know at all, tlwoerner might know though
+[17:20:33] <Lyude> mfilion: are there any notable updates on the XDC stuff?
+[17:20:49] <mfilion> I replied above, scroll up
+[17:21:09] <mfilion> just waiting for contract to communicate dates
+[17:21:22] <mfilion> universities are slooow
+[17:22:06] <mfilion> but as soon as I have it, I'll finish my proposal & send it in, and we can make the 2024 website and announce the dates
+[17:22:56] <mfilion> I miss the days when things didn't take an eternity to get done
+[17:22:59] <Lyude> ah alright oops
+[17:23:52] <Lyude> I, think that's basically it then unless anyone else has anything for the agenda
+[17:25:00] <mfilion> one question - are we sending out more comms soon about membership renewal?
+[17:26:26] <rg3igalia> christopher is on holidays this week, but I'll catch up with him when he's back to make sure we get the needed reminders every now and then
+[17:27:38] <Lyude> mfilion: not sure
+[17:27:45] <Lyude> also sorry I was apparently disconnected from the bouncer for 3 minutes
+[17:29:06] <Lyude> and gotcha
+[17:29:15] <Lyude> I'm gonna call it for the meeting then, thanks for coming everyone!
+[17:29:25] <mfilion> alright, thanks rg3igalia
+[17:29:35] [disconnected at Wed Feb 21 17:29:35 2024]
diff --git a/BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries/2024.mdwn b/BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries/2024.mdwn
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--- a/BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries/2024.mdwn
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* [[Jan. 10|BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries/2024/01-10]]
* [[Jan. 24|BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries/2024/01-24]]
* [[Feb. 07|BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries/2024/02-07]]
+* [[Feb. 21|BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries/2024/02-21]]
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+Summary of the 21 February 2024 meeting of the [[X.Org Foundation|XorgFoundation]] [[Board of Directors|BoardOfDirectors]]
+Full IRC meeting logs are posted at [[BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/]]
+## Attendees
+Arkadiusz Hiler,
+Lyude Paul,
+Mark Filion,
+Alyssa Rosenzweig,
+Ricardo Garcia
+Sima Vetter,
+Christopher Michael,
+Emma Anholt,
+## Summary
+Agenda: XDC, SFC, Elections
+## Items discussed
+[[!format txt """
+Mark is just waiting for contact from the university, but we should hopefully
+have the info we need soon to make an announcement
+ACTIONS: Mark to keep poking university
+STATUS: Pending
+Things are finally moving! We have a contract from Karen
+ACTIONS: Lyude to go over contract next week after coming back from Sweden
+STATUS: Pending
+ITEM: Elections
+We've got one self-nomination, but we will likely need to extend the deadline
+for this and poke some more people
+STATUS: Pending