**As of November 2006, version 0.9.4 of check is required. It now uses pkg-config so that it can be reliably detected without the deprecated AM\_PATH\_CHECK macro.** XCB currently uses 'check' as a unit test framework. We've received some queries as to how to build without having check installed. We haven't found a clean answer yet, but here's one approach. Place this line in a new text file: AC_DEFUN([AM_PATH_CHECK], [$3]) The file can either be acinclude.m4, in the top-level xcb module directory, or it can be named anything you want as long as you put it in the system-wide autoconf macro directory (given by `aclocal --print-ac-dir`). At that point (assuming you have a version of XCB more recent than 12 May 2005) you should find that aclocal and hence autoconf run fine. We can't ship this as part of XCB source, because we don't know how to make a system-wide autoconf macro definition override one found in the project. (This is admittedly an unusual thing to want to do.)