# File Manager DBus Interface Applications sometimes need to interact with the desktop's file manager. This page documents a simple DBus interface that can be used for that purpose. These three methods take an array of URI strings, and a startup id as specified by the [[startup notification specification|startup-notification-spec]]. * `ShowFolders` assumes that the specified URIs are folders; the file manager is supposed to show a window with the contents of each folder. Calling this method with `file:///etc` as the single element in the array of URIs will cause the file manager to show the contents of /etc as if the user had navigated to it. The behavior for more than one element is left up to the implementation; commonly, multiple windows will be shown, one for each folder. * `ShowItems` doesn't make any assumptions as to the type of the URIs. The file manager is supposed to select the passed items within their respective parent folders. Calling this method on `file:///etc` as the single element in the array of URIs will cause the file manager to show a file listing for "/", with "etc" highlighted. The behavior for more than one element is left up to the implementation. * `ShowItemProperties` should cause the file manager to show a "properties" window for the specified URIs. For local Unix files, these properties can be the file permissions, icon used for the files, and other metadata. # Activation Applications are supposed to use the `org.freedesktop.FileManager1` DBus name and the `/org/freedesktop/FileManager1` object path. The interface name is `org.freedesktop.FileManager1`. # Implementations This interface is implmented in the following environments: * Nautilus 3.4 and later. * Dolphin 15.08 and later # References * [[Discussion in xdg-list|http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xdg/2011-May/011949.html]] * [[Gnome bugzilla entry for Nautilus's implementation|https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=636269]] # License Copyright 2012, Federico Mena Quintero & contributors Code samples in this document are released under the [MIT license](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT), and other content under [CC-BY](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). If you contribute to it, you agree to license your contributions in the same way.