[[!img Telepathy.png]] Telepathy is a flexible, modular communications framework that enables real-time communication via pluggable protocol backends. Telepathy is a **communications service** that can be accessed by many applications ("clients") simultaneously. This allows any application to access presence information, request a communications channel (potentially handled by another client), or collaborate contact-to-contact. Telepathy provides protocol backends for most popular protocols including: Jabber/XMPP/Jingle, link-local XMPP, SIP, Yahoo/AIM and IRC via a unified [[D-Bus|http://dbus.freedesktop.org]] API. It also provides convenience libraries for GLib and Qt to simplify using the API from applications. Telepathy exposes the available real-time communications capabilities of each protocol: presence, contact rosters, text chat, voice and video over IP, file transfer and [[Telepathy Tubes|Documentation/Tubes]]. [[!img TelepathyArchitectureOverview.png]] Telepathy is **[[modular|Rationale]]**. Each backend and client runs in a separate process, allowing for much greater security and resilience. It is suitable both for embedded and desktop environments. # Using Telepathy ## End users Telepathy is a *framework*, therefore it is mainly targetted to developers that want to enable real-time communication and collaboration features in their applications. As an end user, you can make use of one of the *Clients* of Telepathy, which are listed in the Clients section of the [[Components|Components]] page. ## Developers See [[Developing With Telepathy]]. # Developing Telepathy See [[Contributing]]. This wiki is undergoing [[conversion]]. If you have a fd.o shell account, you can help!