ORF file are generated by Olympus cameras. # MIME type image/x-olympus-orf # Organisation It if a TIFF file with a custom magic at the beginning: MMOR, IIRO or IIRS instead of the TIFF magic. IFD 0 contain the main image. IFD 1 contain the 160x120 preview. Some file don't have the preview outside the [[MakerNotes|MakerNotes]]. Another peculiarity is that [[StripOffsets|StripOffsets]] and [[StripByteCounts|StripByteCounts]] are arrays for the E10 files, unlike the others. Still consistent with the TIFF/EP standard. # Compression Sometime the CFA does not look like it is compressed but seems to be organised weirdly. E400 has uncompressed CFA.