RAF is the RAW file format used by [[FujiFilm|FujiFilm]] camera. It looks like a simple table with embedded JPEG some data and uncompressed CFA. # MIME type image/x-fuji-raf # Organisation Byte order is Motorola (Big Endian) * 16 bytes string to identify the file (magic) * `FUJIFILMCCD-RAW ` * 4 bytes * `0201` * 8 bytes * `FF389501` * 32 bytes for the camera string, \0 terminated * offset directory * Version (4 bytes) for the directory * `0100` * `0159` * 20 bytes "unknown" * Jpeg image offset (4 bytes) * Jpeg Image length (4 bytes) * CFA Header Offset (4 bytes) * CFA Header Length (4 bytes) * CFA Offset (4 bytes) * CFA Length (4 bytes) * rest unused * Jpeg image offset * Exif JFIF with thumbnail + preview * CFA Header offset - Big Endian * 4 bytes: count of records * Records, one after the other * 2 bytes: tag ID * 2 bytes: size of record (N) * N bytes: data * CFA Offset * Uncompressed RAW # Compression Apparently no compression is applied. # Links * [[http://crousseau.free.fr/imgfmt_raw.htm|http://crousseau.free.fr/imgfmt_raw.htm]]