Written by Roberto De Ioris (roberto at unbit.it), with help from several others. The most recent version was announced and available at [[http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libdlo/2009-July/000258.html|http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libdlo/2009-July/000258.html]] ### Build steps 1. make 1. sudo make install 1. sudo depmod -a If successful, attached [[DisplayLink|DisplayLink]] devices should show green screen at this point If make fails, on Debian/Ubuntu try "sudo apt-get install module-assistant" then "sudo module-assistant prepare" first to pull in the proper Linux kernel headers etc., then make clean and do over ### Notes This kernel driver matches against all [[DisplayLink|DisplayLink]] devices. It uses the monitors preferred mode timings (from extended EDID) to choose and set the default mode. So if the monitor has greater capabilities than the [[DisplayLink|DisplayLink]] device, it will fail. When loaded successfully on a [[DisplayLink|DisplayLink]] device and able to successfully set a mode, paints the entire screen a reassuring green. Because of the nature of the [[DisplayLink|DisplayLink]] hardware as a remote framebuffer, the Linux kernel framebuffer interface is well matched to the hardware, so this kernel driver for that interface provides a foundation both for using a [[DisplayLink|DisplayLink]] device as a [[TextConsole|TextConsole]], [[DirectFramebuffer|DirectFramebuffer]] for applications, [[ExtendedDesktop|ExtendedDesktop]] for X, or a [[MultiSeatTerminal|MultiSeatTerminal]] for X. An earlier version of this driver (udlfb 0.3) has been included by GregKH in the in driver staging area of Linux kernel 2.6.31.