# GStreamer Wiki This wiki serves as a scratchpad for tasks, design discussions and the like. ## General * [[Plugins|Plugins]] and [[MorePlugins|MorePlugins]]: listings of official and external plugin modules * [[ReleasePlanning|ReleasePlanning]]: schedule for code freezes and planning for dates * [[RoadMap|ReleasePlanning/RoadMap]]: road map * [[DesignDiscussions|DesignDiscussions]]: drafting new features * [[TaskList|TaskList]]: standalone tasks for anyone to take, Google SoC planning * [[FAQ|FAQ]]: frequently asked questions * [[Tutorials|Tutorials]] : links to external tutorials * [[SubmittingPatches|SubmittingPatches]]: where and how to submit patches * General documentation about GStreamer libraries and plugins can be found on the [[GStreamer Documentation Page|http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/]] * [[HowToCompileForEmbedded|HowToCompileForEmbedded]]: tips about how to do compile GStreamer for embedded devices ## Links * [[GStreamer Hackfest 2013 (Location TBD)|GStreamerHackfest2013]] * [[GStreamer Conference 2012 (San Diego) - slides and videos|GStreamerConference2012]] * [[GStreamer 1.0 Hackfest 2012 (Malaga)|GStreamerHackfest2012]] * [[GStreamer Conference 2011 (Prague) - slides and videos|GStreamerConference2011]] * [[GStreamer Conference 2010 (Cambridge) slides and videos|GStreamerConference2010]] * [[GStreamer build bot|http://git.pitivi.org:8010/waterfall]] (currently defunct) * [[GStreamer Windows MingW build bot|http://lrn.no-ip.info]] * [[Release Planning|ReleasePlanning]]: [[2010|ReleasePlanning2010]] [[2011|ReleasePlanning2011]] [[2012|ReleasePlanning2012]] [[2013|ReleasePlanning2013]] * [[GStreamer device profile format discussion|http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/wiki/DeviceProfile]]