The easiest way to build GStreamer is with a scratchbox environment, either scratchbox, or scratchbox2. Set prefix to the place where you want GStreamer to be installed. ### glib [[!format txt """ ./configure --prefix="$prefix" --disable-static --with-html-dir=/tmp/dump make install """]] ### gstreamer [[!format txt """ ./configure --prefix="$prefix" --disable-nls --disable-static --disable-gobject-cast-checks --enable-binary-registry --disable-loadsave --disable-trace --with-html-dir=/tmp/dump make install """]] ### orc (replaces liboil) [[!format txt """ ./configure --prefix="$prefix" --disable-static --with-html-dir=/tmp/dump make install """]] ### gst-plugins-base [[!format txt """ ./configure --prefix="$prefix" --disable-nls --disable-static --with-html-dir=/tmp/dump make install """]] ### gst-plugins-good [[!format txt """ ./configure --prefix="$prefix" --disable-nls --disable-static --with-html-dir=/tmp/dump --with-plugins=avi,qtdemux make install """]] _Note_: If you want all the plug-ins remove the **with-plugins** option, otherwise specify the ones you want ### gst-plugins-ugly [[!format txt """ ./configure --prefix="$prefix" --disable-nls --disable-static --with-html-dir=/tmp/dump --with-plugins=asfdemux make install """]]