# Build Dependencies Debian and Ubuntu These should do the trick: [[!format txt """ sudo apt-get build-dep gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad sudo apt-get install cvs """]] (cvs is required by autotools, autogen.sh will fail if you don't have it.) You will need to make sure the deb-src lines are enabled in your `/etc/apt/sources.list` file. On Ubuntu you might try these as well in addition to the above: [[!format txt """ sudo apt-get build-dep gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse """]] If you are building 0.11 and still receiving errors about missing basic build tools or dependencies, try: [[!format txt """ sudo apt-get install pkg-config libglib2.0-dev liborc-0.4-dev bison flex """]] For gst-plugins-gl: [[!format txt """ sudo apt-get install libglew1.5-dev libpng12-dev """]]