0.9.2 ("Hi new Kenny.") Nothing new here: - update build checks to 0.9 0.8.2 ("Would you like a monkey claw?") Oh, we need an update to a stable release. :( - Fix crash when using Flashblock 0.8.0 ("Best Friends Forever") Second long-term of Swfdec, here we go: - Add UI for handling autoplay to the right-click menu - Bump reported version to 9.0r999 - Fix some rare crashers 0.7.4 ("Whites won again") Not much has happened here since the last release: - update to changed APIs - send proper HTTP headers - HIG-improve the properties dialog 0.7.2 ("Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?") This release brings Swfdec ahead of the competition! - support fullscreen - remember files to be autoplayed - implement windowless support in Firefox 3 - don't hang the browser on high-CPU files - work in gtk-webkit - make properties dialog more HIGgy 0.6.0 ("It'll choke on the sweet air of freedom.") And here's the first long-term release of Swfdec-mozilla. - support missing plugins installation - update API - bugfixes galore 0.5.90 ("Sticks and stones may break my bones") We're getting close to 0.6: - update API to new version - resolve relative links correctly 0.5.5 ("Reading is lame") New release: - update API for new version 0.5.4 ("Ultravibe Pleasure 2000") This release brings some stabiliy improvements. - add FutureSplash mime type - update API to match Swfdec - some serious bugs fixed 0.5.3 ("I like Hello Kitty Island Adventure a lot more than this stuff") Another release of Swfdec, another release of the plugin. - update API to match libswfdec - new play icon 0.5.2 ("Something you can do with your finger") With keyboard support in Swfdec, it shouldn't be missed from the Mozilla plugin. - implement keyboard interaction - update to 0.5.2 API of Swfdec - fix some bugs (including crashers) 0.5.1 ("Kick the baby") With Swfdec gaining support for the Stage actionscript object, some nifty new features are in: - implement "salign" and "scale" embed properties - scale movie to correct size - fix name to be 100% Adobe Flash compatible, so UFO detection script doesn't barf 0.5.0 ("Destroy all the old prints in celebration") This is just a port of the API to Swfdec 0.5. The only feature is this: - fix plugin to run with Firefox 3 alphas. 0.4.5 ("Who's Jack?") This release fixes the build system of the Mozilla plugin. Apparently neither Mozilla nor distros can provide a sane plugin API. 0.4.4 ("The death camp of tolerance") This release has a lot of internal changes that reduce memory usage and fix bugs. Among them: - Fix Youtube videos sometimes not playing. - Fix random crashes when visiting Flash-heavy sites - Fix drawing glitches with fullscreen Flash files. - Support for cursor changing. 0.4.3 ("Now this puny world will bow down to me!") This release includes some improvements to the properties dialog. It also causes important bugfixes: - Properly handle mouse movements - Fix a nasty memory leak that made the Flash not go away anymore if the properties had been open. - Update API. Of course you can watch Youtube videos in Mozilla, too. 0.4.2 ("Kill animals, or else they'll die!") This release adds a shiny new right-click menu. It also requires Gtk now. And this Gtk shinyness allows: - Disable audio during playback - Shiny new properties dialog that allows downloading Flash files. - Add a "no sound" backend for people that don't have ALSA. - Fix bug that made the image not redraw sometimes 0.4.1 ("Nothing to see here") This is just an update of the API to swfdec-0.4.1. 0.4.0 ("They killed Kenny") This is the first standalone release of the Swfdec Mozilla plugin. The plugin has been completely rewritten. Major changes to the 0.3 version: - The plugin is in-process for various reasons (This is important: If the plugin crashes, your whole browser will crash) - The plugin no longer uses GStreamer - Audio is handled via ALSA (feel free to write plugins for other audio outputs) - Flash files will not be played by default, instead you will see a shaded pause sign (right-clicking toggles pause) For now, this plugin will directly follow the swfdec library's version until its API somewhat stabilizes.