Replayer ======== ### Traces definition file The trace definition file contains information about the traces to run along with their expected image checksums on each device, and optionally from where to download them. An example: ```yaml traces-db: download-url: traces: - path: glmark2/jellyfish.rdc expectations: - device: gl-intel-0x3185 checksum: 58359ea4caf6ad44c6b65526881bbd17 - device: gl-vmware-llvmpipe checksum: d82267c25a0decdad7b563c56bb81106 - path: supertuxkart/supertuxkart-antediluvian-abyss.rdc expectations: - device: gl-intel-0x3185 checksum: ff827f7eb069afd87cc305a422cba939 ``` The `traces-db` entry can be absent, in which case it is assumed that the traces can be found in the `CWD/replayer-db` directory. Traces that don't have an expectation for the current device are skipped during trace replay. Adding a new trace to the list involves uploading the trace to the remote `traces-db` and adding an entry to the `traces` list. The reference checksums can be calculated with the `checksum` command. Alternatively, an arbitrary checksum can be used, and during replay (see below) the scripts will report the mismatch and expected checksum. ### Trace-db download urls The trace-db:download-url property contains an HTTPS url from which traces can be downloaded, by appending traces:path properties to it. ### Trace files replayer supports renderdoc (.rdc), apitrace (.trace, .trace-dxgi) and gfxreconstruct (.gfxr) files. Trace files need to have the correct extension so that replayer can detect them properly. The trace files that are contained in public `traces-db` stores must be legally redistributable. This is typically true for FOSS games and applications. Traces for proprietary games and application are typically not redistributable, unless specific redistribution rights have been granted by the publisher. In order to have reliable comparisons, trace files in a given store are expected to be immutable. Any change to a trace file means that it needs to be renamed and updated in the traces definition file (eg. by appending a _v2 suffix to the file). ### Replaying traces If running from the source tree, replayer needs the `PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR` env variable: ```sh $ PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR="../" ./ ... ``` replayer features a series of commands to deal with traces: * `checksum`: will calculate the checksum for a given image file. * `compare`: will download a trace or all the traces in a traces definition file for a given device, replay them and compare their checksum against the expected ones. * `download`: will download a file, given a relative path, from a remote url. * `dump`: will dump as images the last call or specified calls from a trace file, given a specific device. * `query`: will return the queried information from a given traces definition file. You can get a more complete help running: ```sh $ --help ``` Examples: ```sh $ checksum ./vkcube.gfxr-9.png ``` ```sh $ compare trace \ --output ./results \ --device-name gl-vmware-llvmpipe \ --download-url \ glmark2/desktop-blur-radius=5:effect=blur:passes=1:separable=true:windows=4.rdc \ 8867f3a41f180626d0d4b7661ff5c0f4 ``` ```sh $ compare yaml \ --yaml-file ./traces.yml \ --device-name gl-vmware-llvmpipe \ --keep-image ``` ```sh $ download \ --download-url \ --db-path ./traces-db \ --force-download \ glmark2/desktop-blur-radius=5:effect=blur:passes=1:separable=true:windows=4.rdc ``` ```sh $ dump \ --config ./piglit.conf \ --output ./results \ --device-name gl-vmware-llvmpipe \ --calls "3,8,9" \ glmark2/desktop-blur-radius=5:effect=blur:passes=1:separable=true:windows=4.rdc ``` ```sh $ query \ --yaml-file ./traces.yml \ checksum \ --device-name gl-vmware-llvmpipe \ glmark2/desktop-blur-radius=5:effect=blur:passes=1:separable=true:windows=4.rdc ``` ```sh $ query \ --yaml-file ./traces.yml \ traces \ --device-name gl-vmware-llvmpipe \ --trace-extensions ".trace,.rdc" --checksum ``` ```sh $ query \ --yaml-file ./traces.yml \ traces_db_download_url ``` Unless specified when comparing or dumping, replayer places the produced artifacts at the `CWD/results` directory. By default, created images from traces are only stored in case of a checksum mismatch. This can be overridden with the `--keep-image` parameter to force storing images, e.g., to get a complete set of reference images. By default when dumping, only the image corresponding to the last frame of the trace is created. This can be changed with the `--calls` parameter. Unless specified with the `--output` parameter, the dumped images are stored in the subdirectory `./test//' subdirectory, named after the trace name with '.log' appended. ### Specific dependencies for dumping depending of the trace type Depending on the target 3D API, replayer requires a recent version of apitrace (and eglretrace) being in the path, and also the renderdoc python module being available, for GL traces. To ensure python3 can find the renderdoc python module you need to set `PYTHONPATH` to point to the location of `` (binary python modules) and `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` to point to the location of ``. In the renderdoc build tree, both of these are in `renderdoc//lib`. Note that renderdoc doesn't install the `` python module. In the case of Vulkan traces, replayer needs a recent version of gfxrecon-info and gfxrecon-replay being in the path, and also the `VK_LAYER_LUNARG_screenshot` Vulkan layer from LunarG's VulkanTools. To ensure that this layer can be found when running the trace you need to set `VK_LAYER_PATH` to point to the location of `VkLayer_screenshot.json` and `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` to point to the location of ``. In the case of DXGI traces, replayer requires Wine, a recent version of DXVK installed in the default `WINEPREFIX`, and a recent binary version of apitrace (and d3dretrace) for Windows which should be reachable through Windows' `PATH` environment variable. Alternatively, all of the paths for specific binaries can be set via piglit's configuration file or env variables. Check the documentation at [piglit.conf.example](piglit.conf.example) for further details.