GALLIUM REMOTE DEBUGGING GUI = About = This is the gui interface to the Gallium Remote Debugger. It is written in C and uses gtk, gtkglext and Gallium. For information about protocol (de)marshaling see: $(MESA)/src/gallium/auxiliary/rbug/README for information about driver integration look in: $(MESA)/src/gallium/drivers/rbug/README = Building = You need to have checked out a mesa repository in a sibling directory to this directory called mesa, as currently the build looks for mesa in ../mesa/. You also need to build a debug build of mesa with with gallium so that the needed library exist: $(MESA)/src/gallium/auxiliary/libgallium.a The gtk dependancies should be satisfied on debian based system with: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libgtkglext1-dev Then just do: ./ make = Usage = Make sure that you driver has trace integration, see above. Then from on the computer that you want to debug do: export GALLIUM_RBUG=true From the debugging computer launch rbug-gui from this folder. ./rbug-gui [ip|hostname] If no ip/hostname is give rbug-gui will ask you for a ip and port. You can also call "make run" which will connect automaticaly to localhost. You should now see the debugger. On the left you have a list of resources created by the driver. They are arranged in a tree view where the, with textures and contexts under the screen and shaders under each owning context. The toolbar display different icons depending on what you have selected. All: Update - Update the current view Screen: Update - Download the list of objects again. Texture view: View first level of texture Update - Download the texture again. Backgroud - Change the background of the current window Alpha - Turn on/off alpha blending in the view Auto - Automaticaly update the texture Shader view: Display TGSI code for current shader Udpate - Download the current shader again Disable - Discard any rendering done with this shader Save - Compile and replace the current with the edited shader Revert - Restore original shader Context view: Udpate - Get context information Before - Break before draw call is executed After - Break after draw call is executed Step - Step to next draw call Flush - Flush context - After this seperator the current viewed object icons appear = Quirks = Often when you step in the context view you find that textures, shaders don't appear after a step select the screen press update to update the list of object, rbug-gui doesn't currently support automaticaly updateing the list. Connecting to the X server causes rbug-gui to disconnect often when clients are sending data. Forceing you to reconnect. -- Jakob Bornecrantz