pebble-remote ========= This project provides remote control to Libreoffice Impress with Pebble. The directives are all for Ubuntu 14.04, but should be easily adaptable to other platforms. Pebble Remote's web site is ## Installation * Install pebble-remote-2.0 package's dependencies. * `sudo apt-get install python-dev libopenobex1-dev python-tk python-lightblue python-pexpect xdotool python-bluez` * To install lightblue clone `lightblue-0.4` from `` and then: * `cd lightblue-0.4` * `sudo python install` * Run this command: * `pip install pebble-remote` ## Usage * Disconnect between the pebble by phone. * Pair pebble and with your computer on bluetooth. * If you want to use from consol run this command: * `pebble-remote /full/path/to/file_name.odp` * If you want to use from desktop * Right click on presentation file * Open with * Select Pebble Remote: * Open music app on your pebble. You can remote presentation by using up and down buttons on Pebble. Use middle button of Pebble for exit presentation. ## Pictures ![1](