Help Authoring Extension This extension adds a new menu to the Writer's menubar, and allows easy editing of the LibreOffice Help. Usage info is here: == Hacking it == If you want to improve the extension itself, get the sources here: $ git clone and start hacking it. Most probably you'll want to do improvements to the .xhp export filter: helpauthoring/filter/soffice2xmlhelp.xsl To do that the most effectively, choose a reasonably complicated .xhp file, like: help/source/text/schart/01/type_stock.xhp if you did an independent git clone as suggested in or if you are in the developers' work tree with submodules helpcontent2/source/text/schart/01/type_stock.xhp convert it to .fodt (Save As... in Writer), and then use: xsltproc helpauthoring/filter/soffice2xmlhelp.xsl help/source/text/schart/01/type_stock.fodt > out When you are happy with the improved output in 'out', commit & push the improved soffice2xmlhelp.xsl via gerrit. == Releasing it == Increase the version number both in: helpauthoring/HelpAuthoring/_Main.xba helpauthoring/description.xml and then: cd helpauthoring && make The new version will be created in the dist/ directory. Upload it to: and announce.