# GStreamer template repository This git module contains template code for possible GStreamer projects. * gst-app : basic meson-based layout for writing a GStreamer-based application. * gst-plugin : basic meson-based layout and basic filter code for writing a GStreamer plug-in. ## License This code is provided under a MIT license [MIT], which basically means "do with it as you wish, but don't blame us if it doesn't work". You can use this code for any project as you wish, under any license as you wish. We recommend the use of the LGPL [LGPL] license for applications and plugins, given the minefield of patents the multimedia is nowadays. See our website for details [Licensing]. ## Usage Configure and build all examples (application and plugins) as such: meson builddir ninja -C builddir See on how to install the Meson build system and ninja. Modify `gst-plugin/meson.build` to add or remove source files to build or add additional dependencies or compiler flags or change the name of the plugin file to be installed. Modify `meson.build` to check for additional library dependencies or other features needed by your plugin. Once the plugin is built you can either install system-wide it with `sudo ninja -C builddir install` (however, this will by default go into the `/usr/local` prefix where it won't be picked up by a `GStreamer` installed from packages, so you would need to set the `GST_PLUGIN_PATH` environment variable to include or point to `/usr/local/lib/gstreamer-1.0/` for your plugin to be found by a from-package `GStreamer`). Alternatively, you will find your plugin binary in `builddir/gst-plugins/src/` as `libgstplugin.so` or similar (the extension may vary), so you can also set the `GST_PLUGIN_PATH` environment variable to the `builddir/gst-plugins/src/` directory (best to specify an absolute path though). You can also check if it has been built correctly with: gst-inspect-1.0 builddir/gst-plugins/src/libgstplugin.so ## Auto-generating your own plugin You will find a helper script in `gst-plugins/tools/make_element` to generate the source/header files for a new plugin. To create sources for `myfilter` based on the `gsttransform` template run: ``` shell cd src; ../tools/make_element myfilter gsttransform ``` This will create `gstmyfilter.c` and `gstmyfilter.h`. Open them in an editor and start editing. There are several occurances of the string `template`, update those with real values. The plugin will be called `myfilter` and it will have one element called `myfilter` too. Also look for `FIXME:` markers that point you to places where you need to edit the code. You can then add your sources files to `gst-plugins/meson.build` and re-run ninja to have your plugin built. [MIT]: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php or COPYING.MIT [LGPL]: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php or COPYING.LIB [Licensing]: https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/application-development/appendix/licensing.html