# Profiles Here, you can find all the pre-set profiles to check the performance of some components. The 'default' profile is the one that is picked when no profile is explicitely selected. Other profiles can be added by the user or one can use some other profiles provided with ezbench. ## File hierarchy profiles.d/$profile_name/ - profile: this file contains the default values to be used by the profile - conf.d/: this folder contains multiple file named '*.conf' that can set some hooks (described in the hooks section). ### Hooks Hooks can be defined in a profile's conf.d/ folder. Here is a list of them: - ezbench_pre_hook: called when core is launched - ezbench_post_hook: called when core is being closed - compile_pre_hook: called before the compilation/deployment happens - deploy_pre_hook: called after a succesfull compilation and before deploying - compile_post_hook: called after the compilation/deployment happened - benchmark_run_pre_hook: called before running a benchmark - benchmark_run_post_hook: called after running a benchmark - _run_pre_hook: called before running a particular benchmark - _run_post_hook: called after running a particular benchmark - run_bench_pre_hook: called before executing the benchmark's command line - run_bench_post_hook: called after executing the benchmark's command line