# vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=8 textwidth=0 filetype=yaml: # # This CI uses the freedesktop.org ci-templates. # Please see the ci-templates documentation for details: # https://freedesktop.pages.freedesktop.org/ci-templates/ .templates_sha: &template_sha c7702b1ae8507c5d5f34edcbf280f287ab541e8e # see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#includefile include: # Alpine container builder template - project: 'freedesktop/ci-templates' ref: *template_sha file: '/templates/alpine.yml' stages: - prep # prep work like rebuilding the container images if there is a change - build # for actually building and testing things in a container - deploy variables: FDO_UPSTREAM_REPO: 'libevdev/evtest' # The tag should be updated each time the list of packages is updated. # Changing a tag forces the associated image to be rebuilt. # Note: the tag has no meaning, we use a date format purely for readability ALPINE_TAG: '2020-11-16.0' ALPINE_PACKAGES: 'git gcc autoconf automake make libc-dev linux-headers gzip xmlto asciidoc' # # Build a container with the given tag and the packages pre-installed. # This only happens if when the tag changes, otherwise the existing image is # re-used. # container-prep: extends: - .fdo.container-build@alpine stage: prep variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none FDO_DISTRIBUTION_PACKAGES: $ALPINE_PACKAGES FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: $ALPINE_TAG # # The default build, runs on the image built above. # build-autotools: stage: build extends: - .fdo.distribution-image@alpine script: - autoreconf -ivf - mkdir _builddir - pushd _builddir > /dev/null - ../configure --disable-silent-rules - make - make check - make distcheck - popd > /dev/null variables: FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: $ALPINE_TAG # # Pure gcc build, runs on the image built above. # compile-only: stage: build extends: - .fdo.distribution-image@alpine script: - gcc -o evtest evtest.c variables: FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: $ALPINE_TAG