/* basic set of prime tests between intel and nouveau */ /* test list - 1. share buffer from intel -> nouveau. 2. share buffer from nouveau -> intel 3. share intel->nouveau, map on both, write intel, read nouveau 4. share intel->nouveau, blit intel fill, readback on nouveau test 1 + map buffer, read/write, map other size. do some hw actions on the buffer some illegal operations - close prime fd try and map TODO add some nouveau rendering tests */ /** * TEST: prime_nv_test * Description: Basic set of prime tests between intel and nouveau * Sub-category: intel-nouveau * Functionality: buffer management * * SUBTEST: i915_nv_sharing * SUBTEST: nv_i915_sharing * SUBTEST: nv_write_i915_cpu_mmap_read * SUBTEST: nv_write_i915_gtt_mmap_read * SUBTEST: i915_import_cpu_mmap * SUBTEST: i915_import_gtt_mmap * SUBTEST: i915_import_pread_pwrite * SUBTEST: i915_blt_fill_nv_read * */ #include "igt.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "i915/gem_create.h" #include "nouveau.h" int intel_fd = -1, nouveau_fd = -1; struct buf_ops *bops; struct nouveau_device *ndev; struct nouveau_client *nclient; #define BO_SIZE (256*1024) static int find_and_open_devices(void) { int i; char path[80]; struct stat buf; FILE *fl; char vendor_id[8]; int venid; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { char *ret; sprintf(path, "/sys/class/drm/card%d/device/vendor", i); if (stat(path, &buf)) break; fl = fopen(path, "r"); if (!fl) break; ret = fgets(vendor_id, 8, fl); igt_assert(ret); fclose(fl); venid = strtoul(vendor_id, NULL, 16); sprintf(path, "/dev/dri/card%d", i); if (venid == 0x8086) { intel_fd = open(path, O_RDWR); if (!intel_fd) return -1; } else if (venid == 0x10de) { nouveau_fd = open(path, O_RDWR); if (!nouveau_fd) return -1; } } return 0; } /* * prime test 1 - * allocate buffer on intel, * set prime on buffer, * retrive buffer from nouveau, * close prime_fd, * unref buffers */ static void test_i915_nv_sharing(void) { uint32_t intel_handle; int prime_fd; struct nouveau_bo *nvbo; intel_handle = gem_create(intel_fd, BO_SIZE); prime_fd = prime_handle_to_fd(intel_fd, intel_handle); igt_assert(nouveau_bo_prime_handle_ref(ndev, prime_fd, &nvbo) == 0); close(prime_fd); nouveau_bo_ref(NULL, &nvbo); gem_close(intel_fd, intel_handle); } /* * prime test 2 - * allocate buffer on nouveau * set prime on buffer, * retrive buffer from intel * close prime_fd, * unref buffers */ static void test_nv_i915_sharing(void) { uint32_t intel_handle; int prime_fd; struct nouveau_bo *nvbo; igt_assert(nouveau_bo_new(ndev, NOUVEAU_BO_GART | NOUVEAU_BO_MAP, 0, BO_SIZE, NULL, &nvbo) == 0); igt_assert(nouveau_bo_set_prime(nvbo, &prime_fd) == 0); intel_handle = prime_fd_to_handle(intel_fd, prime_fd); close(prime_fd); nouveau_bo_ref(NULL, &nvbo); gem_close(intel_fd, intel_handle); } /* * allocate intel, give to nouveau, map on nouveau * write 0xdeadbeef, non-gtt map on intel, read */ static void test_nv_write_i915_cpu_mmap_read(void) { uint32_t intel_handle; int prime_fd; struct nouveau_bo *nvbo = NULL; uint32_t *ptr; intel_handle = gem_create(intel_fd, BO_SIZE); prime_fd = prime_handle_to_fd(intel_fd, intel_handle); igt_assert(nouveau_bo_prime_handle_ref(ndev, prime_fd, &nvbo) == 0); close(prime_fd); igt_assert(nouveau_bo_map(nvbo, NOUVEAU_BO_RDWR, nclient) == 0); ptr = nvbo->map; *ptr = 0xdeadbeef; ptr = gem_mmap__cpu(intel_fd, intel_handle, 0, BO_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); igt_assert(*ptr == 0xdeadbeef); nouveau_bo_ref(NULL, &nvbo); gem_munmap(ptr, BO_SIZE); gem_close(intel_fd, intel_handle); } /* * allocate intel, give to nouveau, map on nouveau * write 0xdeadbeef, gtt map on intel, read */ static void test_nv_write_i915_gtt_mmap_read(void) { uint32_t intel_handle; int prime_fd; struct nouveau_bo *nvbo = NULL; uint32_t *ptr; intel_handle = gem_create(intel_fd, BO_SIZE); prime_fd = prime_handle_to_fd(intel_fd, intel_handle); igt_assert(nouveau_bo_prime_handle_ref(ndev, prime_fd, &nvbo) == 0); close(prime_fd); igt_assert(nouveau_bo_map(nvbo, NOUVEAU_BO_RDWR, nclient) == 0); ptr = nvbo->map; *ptr = 0xdeadbeef; ptr = gem_mmap__gtt(intel_fd, intel_handle, BO_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); igt_assert(*ptr == 0xdeadbeef); nouveau_bo_ref(NULL, &nvbo); gem_munmap(ptr, BO_SIZE); gem_close(intel_fd, intel_handle); } /* test drm_intel_bo_map doesn't work properly, this tries to map the backing shmem fd, which doesn't exist for these objects */ __noreturn static void test_i915_import_cpu_mmap(void) { uint32_t intel_handle; int prime_fd; struct nouveau_bo *nvbo; uint32_t *ptr; igt_skip("cpu mmap support for imported dma-bufs not yet implemented\n"); igt_assert(nouveau_bo_new(ndev, NOUVEAU_BO_GART | NOUVEAU_BO_MAP, 0, BO_SIZE, NULL, &nvbo) == 0); igt_assert(nouveau_bo_set_prime(nvbo, &prime_fd) == 0); intel_handle = prime_fd_to_handle(intel_fd, prime_fd); close(prime_fd); igt_assert(nouveau_bo_map(nvbo, NOUVEAU_BO_RDWR, nclient) == 0); ptr = nvbo->map; *ptr = 0xdeadbeef; ptr = gem_mmap__cpu(intel_fd, intel_handle, 0, BO_SIZE, PROT_READ); igt_assert(*ptr == 0xdeadbeef); nouveau_bo_ref(NULL, &nvbo); gem_munmap(ptr, BO_SIZE); gem_close(intel_fd, intel_handle); } /* test drm_intel_bo_map_gtt works properly, this tries to map the backing shmem fd, which doesn't exist for these objects */ static void test_i915_import_gtt_mmap(void) { uint32_t intel_handle; int prime_fd; struct nouveau_bo *nvbo; uint32_t *ptr; igt_assert(nouveau_bo_new(ndev, NOUVEAU_BO_GART | NOUVEAU_BO_MAP, 0, BO_SIZE, NULL, &nvbo) == 0); igt_assert(nouveau_bo_set_prime(nvbo, &prime_fd) == 0); intel_handle = prime_fd_to_handle(intel_fd, prime_fd); close(prime_fd); igt_assert(nouveau_bo_map(nvbo, NOUVEAU_BO_RDWR, nclient) == 0); ptr = nvbo->map; *ptr = 0xdeadbeef; *(ptr + 1) = 0xa55a55; ptr = gem_mmap__gtt(intel_fd, intel_handle, BO_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); igt_assert(*ptr == 0xdeadbeef); nouveau_bo_ref(NULL, &nvbo); gem_munmap(ptr, BO_SIZE); gem_close(intel_fd, intel_handle); } /* test 7 - import from nouveau into intel, test pread/pwrite fail */ static void test_i915_import_pread_pwrite(void) { uint32_t intel_handle; int prime_fd; struct nouveau_bo *nvbo; uint32_t *ptr; uint32_t buf[64]; igt_assert(nouveau_bo_new(ndev, NOUVEAU_BO_GART | NOUVEAU_BO_MAP, 0, BO_SIZE, NULL, &nvbo) == 0); igt_assert(nouveau_bo_set_prime(nvbo, &prime_fd) == 0); intel_handle = prime_fd_to_handle(intel_fd, prime_fd); close(prime_fd); igt_assert(nouveau_bo_map(nvbo, NOUVEAU_BO_RDWR, nclient) == 0); ptr = nvbo->map; *ptr = 0xdeadbeef; gem_read(intel_fd, intel_handle, 0, buf, 256); igt_assert(buf[0] == 0xdeadbeef); buf[0] = 0xabcdef55; gem_write(intel_fd, intel_handle, 0, buf, 4); igt_assert(*ptr == 0xabcdef55); nouveau_bo_ref(NULL, &nvbo); gem_close(intel_fd, intel_handle); } static void fill_bo(uint32_t intel_handle, uint32_t val, int width, int height) { int size = width * height; uint32_t *ptr, *currptr; igt_assert(intel_handle); /* gtt map doesn't have a write parameter, so just keep the mapping * around (to avoid the set_domain with the gtt write domain set) and * manually tell the kernel when we start access the gtt. */ ptr = gem_mmap__gtt(intel_fd, intel_handle, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); gem_set_domain(intel_fd, intel_handle, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_GTT, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_GTT); currptr = ptr; while (size--) *currptr++ = val; gem_munmap(ptr, size); } /* use intel hw to fill the BO with a blit from another BO, then readback from the nouveau bo, check value is correct */ static void test_i915_blt_fill_nv_read(void) { int prime_fd; struct nouveau_bo *nvbo = NULL; uint32_t *ptr; struct intel_bb *ibb; struct intel_buf src, dst; int w = 256; int h = 4; /* for intel_bb_copy size requirement % 4096 */ ibb = intel_bb_create(intel_fd, 4096); intel_buf_init(bops, &src, w, h, 32, 0, I915_TILING_NONE, I915_COMPRESSION_NONE); intel_buf_init(bops, &dst, w, 256, 32, 0, I915_TILING_NONE, I915_COMPRESSION_NONE); fill_bo(src.handle, 0xaa55aa55, w, h); prime_fd = prime_handle_to_fd(intel_fd, dst.handle); igt_assert(nouveau_bo_prime_handle_ref(ndev, prime_fd, &nvbo) == 0); close(prime_fd); intel_bb_copy_intel_buf(ibb, &dst, &src, w * h * 4); igt_assert(nouveau_bo_map(nvbo, NOUVEAU_BO_RDWR, nclient) == 0); ptr = nvbo->map; igt_assert(*ptr == 0xaa55aa55); nouveau_bo_ref(NULL, &nvbo); intel_buf_destroy(&src); intel_buf_destroy(&dst); intel_bb_destroy(ibb); } /* test 8 use nouveau to do blit */ /* test 9 nouveau copy engine?? */ igt_main { igt_fixture { igt_assert(find_and_open_devices() == 0); igt_require(nouveau_fd != -1); igt_require(intel_fd != -1); bops = buf_ops_create(intel_fd); /* set up nouveau bufmgr */ igt_assert(nouveau_device_wrap(nouveau_fd, 0, &ndev) == 0); igt_assert(nouveau_client_new(ndev, &nclient) == 0); } #define xtest(name) \ igt_subtest(#name) \ test_##name(); xtest(i915_nv_sharing); xtest(nv_i915_sharing); xtest(nv_write_i915_cpu_mmap_read); xtest(nv_write_i915_gtt_mmap_read); xtest(i915_import_cpu_mmap); xtest(i915_import_gtt_mmap); xtest(i915_import_pread_pwrite); xtest(i915_blt_fill_nv_read); igt_fixture { nouveau_device_del(&ndev); buf_ops_destroy(bops); close(intel_fd); close(nouveau_fd); } }