diff options
4 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cups-pk-helper-mechanism.c b/src/cups-pk-helper-mechanism.c
index a468a2a..0e07349 100644
--- a/src/cups-pk-helper-mechanism.c
+++ b/src/cups-pk-helper-mechanism.c
@@ -903,6 +903,28 @@ cph_mechanism_printer_delete (CphIfaceMechanism *object,
static gboolean
+cph_mechanism_printer_class_rename (CphIfaceMechanism *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *context,
+ const char *old_printer_name,
+ const char *new_printer_name)
+ CphMechanism *mechanism = CPH_MECHANISM (object);
+ gboolean ret;
+ _cph_mechanism_emit_called (mechanism);
+ if (!_check_polkit_for_printer_class (mechanism, context, old_printer_name))
+ return TRUE;
+ ret = cph_cups_printer_class_rename (mechanism->priv->cups, old_printer_name, new_printer_name);
+ cph_iface_mechanism_complete_printer_rename (
+ object, context,
+ _cph_mechanism_return_error (mechanism, !ret));
+ return TRUE;
+static gboolean
cph_mechanism_class_add_printer (CphIfaceMechanism *object,
GDBusMethodInvocation *context,
const char *name,
@@ -1488,6 +1510,10 @@ cph_mechanism_connect_signals (CphMechanism *mechanism)
G_CALLBACK (cph_mechanism_printer_delete_option_default),
g_signal_connect (mechanism,
+ "handle-printer-rename",
+ G_CALLBACK (cph_mechanism_printer_class_rename),
+ NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (mechanism,
G_CALLBACK (cph_mechanism_printer_set_accept_jobs),
diff --git a/src/cups-pk-helper-mechanism.xml b/src/cups-pk-helper-mechanism.xml
index b3c5f7f..ad4357c 100644
--- a/src/cups-pk-helper-mechanism.xml
+++ b/src/cups-pk-helper-mechanism.xml
@@ -92,6 +92,13 @@
<arg name="error" direction="out" type="s"/>
+ <method name="PrinterRename">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="old_name" direction="in" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="new_name" direction="in" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="error" direction="out" type="s"/>
+ </method>
<method name="PrinterDelete">
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
<arg name="name" direction="in" type="s"/>
diff --git a/src/cups.c b/src/cups.c
index 92425eb..2b69cab 100644
--- a/src/cups.c
+++ b/src/cups.c
@@ -611,6 +611,22 @@ _cph_cups_add_printer_uri (ipp_t *request,
static void
+_cph_cups_add_job_printer_uri (ipp_t *request,
+ const char *name)
+ char *escaped_name;
+ char uri[HTTP_MAX_URI + 1];
+ escaped_name = g_uri_escape_string (name, NULL, FALSE);
+ g_snprintf (uri, sizeof (uri),
+ "ipp://localhost/printers/%s", escaped_name);
+ g_free (escaped_name);
+ ippAddString (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI,
+ "job-printer-uri", NULL, uri);
+static void
_cph_cups_add_class_uri (ipp_t *request,
const char *name)
@@ -2088,6 +2104,235 @@ cph_cups_class_delete (CphCups *cups,
+cph_cups_printer_class_rename (CphCups *cups,
+ const char *old_printer_name,
+ const char *new_printer_name)
+ cups_dest_t *dests;
+ cups_dest_t *dest;
+ cups_job_t *jobs;
+ int num_dests = 0;
+ int num_jobs = 0;
+ ipp_t *request;
+ ipp_t *response;
+ ipp_t *reply;
+ ipp_attribute_t *attr;
+ gchar *device_uri = NULL;
+ gchar *printer_info = NULL;
+ gchar *job_sheets = NULL;
+ gchar *printer_location = NULL;
+ gchar *printer_uri = NULL;
+ gchar *error_policy = NULL;
+ gchar *op_policy = NULL;
+ gchar **users_allowed = NULL;
+ gchar **users_denied = NULL;
+ gchar **member_names = NULL;
+ const gchar *ppd_link = NULL;
+ gchar *ppd_filename = NULL;
+ gchar **sheets = NULL;
+ gchar *start_sheet = NULL;
+ gchar *end_sheet = NULL;
+ gboolean accepting = FALSE;
+ gboolean printer_shared = FALSE;
+ gboolean printer_paused = FALSE;
+ gboolean is_default = FALSE;
+ int i;
+ static const char * const requested_attrs[] = {
+ "printer-error-policy",
+ "printer-op-policy",
+ "requesting-user-name-allowed",
+ "requesting-user-name-denied",
+ "member-names"
+ };
+ g_return_val_if_fail (CPH_IS_CUPS (cups), FALSE);
+ if (!_cph_cups_is_printer_name_valid (cups, old_printer_name))
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!_cph_cups_is_printer_name_valid (cups, new_printer_name))
+ return FALSE;
+ num_dests = cupsGetDests (&dests);
+ dest = cupsGetDest (new_printer_name, NULL, num_dests, dests);
+ if (dest != NULL) {
+ cupsFreeDests (num_dests, dests);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ dest = cupsGetDest (old_printer_name, NULL, num_dests, dests);
+ if (dest == NULL) {
+ cupsFreeDests (num_dests, dests);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ num_jobs = cupsGetJobs (&jobs, old_printer_name, 0, CUPS_WHICHJOBS_ACTIVE);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_jobs; i++) {
+ if (jobs[i].state == IPP_JSTATE_PENDING ||
+ jobs[i].state == IPP_JSTATE_PROCESSING) {
+ cupsFreeJobs (num_jobs, jobs);
+ cupsFreeDests (num_dests, dests);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ cupsFreeJobs (num_jobs, jobs);
+ for (i = 0; i < dest->num_options; i++) {
+ if (g_strcmp0 (dest->options[i].name, "device-uri") == 0) {
+ device_uri = dest->options[i].value;
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (dest->options[i].name, "job-sheets") == 0) {
+ job_sheets = dest->options[i].value;
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (dest->options[i].name, "printer-info") == 0) {
+ printer_info = dest->options[i].value;
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (dest->options[i].name, "printer-is-accepting-jobs") == 0) {
+ accepting = g_strcmp0 (dest->options[i].value, "true") == 0;
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (dest->options[i].name, "printer-is-shared") == 0) {
+ printer_shared = g_strcmp0 (dest->options[i].value, "true") == 0;
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (dest->options[i].name, "printer-location") == 0) {
+ printer_location = dest->options[i].value;
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (dest->options[i].name, "printer-state") == 0) {
+ printer_paused = g_strcmp0 (dest->options[i].value, "5") == 0;
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (dest->options[i].name, "printer-uri-supported") == 0) {
+ printer_uri = dest->options[i].value;
+ }
+ }
+ is_default = dest->is_default;
+ request = ippNewRequest (IPP_GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES);
+ ippAddString (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI,
+ "printer-uri", NULL, printer_uri);
+ ippAddStrings (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD,
+ "requested-attributes", G_N_ELEMENTS (requested_attrs), NULL, requested_attrs);
+ response = cupsDoRequest (cups->priv->connection, request, "/");
+ if (response != NULL) {
+ if (ippGetStatusCode (response) <= IPP_OK_CONFLICT) {
+ attr = ippFindAttribute (response, "printer-error-policy", IPP_TAG_NAME);
+ if (attr != NULL)
+ error_policy = g_strdup (ippGetString (attr, 0, NULL));
+ attr = ippFindAttribute (response, "printer-op-policy", IPP_TAG_NAME);
+ if (attr != NULL)
+ op_policy = g_strdup (ippGetString (attr, 0, NULL));
+ attr = ippFindAttribute (response, "requesting-user-name-allowed", IPP_TAG_NAME);
+ if (attr != NULL && ippGetCount (attr) > 0) {
+ users_allowed = g_new0 (gchar *, ippGetCount (attr) + 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < ippGetCount (attr); i++)
+ users_allowed[i] = g_strdup (ippGetString (attr, i, NULL));
+ }
+ attr = ippFindAttribute (response, "requesting-user-name-denied", IPP_TAG_NAME);
+ if (attr != NULL && ippGetCount (attr) > 0) {
+ users_denied = g_new0 (gchar *, ippGetCount (attr) + 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < ippGetCount (attr); i++)
+ users_denied[i] = g_strdup (ippGetString (attr, i, NULL));
+ }
+ attr = ippFindAttribute (response, "member-names", IPP_TAG_NAME);
+ if (attr != NULL && ippGetCount (attr) > 0) {
+ member_names = g_new0 (gchar *, ippGetCount (attr) + 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < ippGetCount (attr); i++)
+ member_names[i] = g_strdup (ippGetString (attr, i, NULL));
+ }
+ }
+ ippDelete (response);
+ }
+ ppd_link = cupsGetPPD (old_printer_name);
+ if (ppd_link != NULL && (ppd_filename = g_file_read_link (ppd_link, NULL)) == NULL) {
+ ppd_filename = g_strdup (ppd_link);
+ }
+ if (cph_cups_is_class (cups, old_printer_name)) {
+ if (member_names != NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i < g_strv_length (member_names); i++) {
+ cph_cups_class_add_printer (cups, new_printer_name, member_names[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (cph_cups_printer_add_with_ppd_file (cups,
+ new_printer_name,
+ device_uri,
+ ppd_filename,
+ printer_info,
+ printer_location)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < num_dests; i++) {
+ if (cph_cups_is_class (cups, dests[i].name)) {
+ if (_cph_cups_class_has_printer (cups, dests[i].name, old_printer_name, &reply) >= 0) {
+ if (reply != NULL)
+ ippDelete (reply);
+ cph_cups_class_delete_printer (cups, dests[i].name, old_printer_name);
+ cph_cups_class_add_printer (cups, dests[i].name, new_printer_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ cph_cups_printer_set_accept_jobs (cups, old_printer_name, accepting, NULL);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ num_jobs = cupsGetJobs (&jobs, old_printer_name, 0, CUPS_WHICHJOBS_ACTIVE);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_jobs; i++) {
+ if (jobs[i].state == IPP_JSTATE_HELD) {
+ request = ippNewRequest (CUPS_MOVE_JOB);
+ _cph_cups_add_job_uri (request, jobs[i].id);
+ _cph_cups_add_job_printer_uri (request, new_printer_name);
+ _cph_cups_add_requesting_user_name (request, cupsUser ());
+ _cph_cups_send_request (cups, request, CPH_RESOURCE_JOBS);
+ }
+ }
+ cupsFreeJobs (num_jobs, jobs);
+ cph_cups_printer_set_accept_jobs (cups, new_printer_name, accepting, NULL);
+ if (is_default)
+ cph_cups_printer_set_default (cups, new_printer_name);
+ cph_cups_printer_class_set_error_policy (cups, new_printer_name, error_policy);
+ cph_cups_printer_class_set_op_policy (cups, new_printer_name, op_policy);
+ if (job_sheets != NULL) {
+ sheets = g_strsplit (job_sheets, ",", 0);
+ if (g_strv_length (sheets) > 1) {
+ start_sheet = sheets[0];
+ end_sheet = sheets[1];
+ }
+ cph_cups_printer_class_set_job_sheets (cups, new_printer_name, start_sheet, end_sheet);
+ }
+ cph_cups_printer_set_enabled (cups, new_printer_name, !printer_paused);
+ cph_cups_printer_class_set_shared (cups, new_printer_name, printer_shared);
+ cph_cups_printer_class_set_users_allowed (cups, new_printer_name, (const char * const *) users_allowed);
+ cph_cups_printer_class_set_users_denied (cups, new_printer_name, (const char * const *) users_denied);
+ if (cph_cups_is_class (cups, old_printer_name)) {
+ if (member_names != NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i < g_strv_length (member_names); i++) {
+ cph_cups_class_delete_printer (cups, old_printer_name, member_names[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ cph_cups_class_delete (cups, old_printer_name);
+ } else {
+ cph_cups_printer_delete (cups, old_printer_name);
+ }
+ cupsFreeDests (num_dests, dests);
+ if (ppd_link != NULL) {
+ g_unlink (ppd_link);
+ g_free (ppd_filename);
+ }
+ g_free (op_policy);
+ g_free (error_policy);
+ g_strfreev (sheets);
+ g_strfreev (users_allowed);
+ g_strfreev (users_denied);
+ return TRUE;
/* Functions that can work on printer and class */
diff --git a/src/cups.h b/src/cups.h
index 3017792..a548e49 100644
--- a/src/cups.h
+++ b/src/cups.h
@@ -137,6 +137,10 @@ gboolean cph_cups_class_delete_printer (CphCups *cups,
gboolean cph_cups_class_delete (CphCups *cups,
const char *class_name);
+gboolean cph_cups_printer_class_rename (CphCups *cups,
+ const char *old_printer_name,
+ const char *new_printer_name);
gboolean cph_cups_printer_class_set_info (CphCups *cups,
const char *printer_name,
const char *info);