# This file is part of cairomm. project('cairomm', 'cpp', version: '1.18.0', license: 'LGPLv2+', default_options: [ 'cpp_std=c++17', 'warning_level=1', ], meson_version: '>= 0.55.0', # required for meson.add_dist_script(python3, ...) # and meson.add_install_script(python3, ...) ) cairomm_api_version = '1.16' cairomm_pcname = meson.project_name() + '-' + cairomm_api_version cairomm_version_array = meson.project_version().split('.') cairomm_major_version = cairomm_version_array[0].to_int() cairomm_minor_version = cairomm_version_array[1].to_int() cairomm_micro_version = cairomm_version_array[2].to_int() # http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/html_node/Updating-version-info.html # The relation between libtool's current:revison:age interface versioning # and the .so filename, .so.x.y.z, is # x = current - age # y = age # z = revision # If libtool_soversion is updated as described in libtool's documentation, # x.y.z will usually *not* be equal to meson.project_version(). libtool_soversion = [5, 0, 4] cairomm_libversion = '@0@.@1@.@2@'.format( libtool_soversion[0] - libtool_soversion[2], libtool_soversion[2], libtool_soversion[1] ) macos_darwin_versions = [ libtool_soversion[0] + 1, '@0@.@1@'.format(libtool_soversion[0] + 1, libtool_soversion[1]) ] # Use these instead of meson.source_root() and meson.build_root() in subdirectories. # source_root() and build_root() are not useful, if this is a subproject. project_source_root = meson.current_source_dir() project_build_root = meson.current_build_dir() cpp_compiler = meson.get_compiler('cpp') is_msvc = cpp_compiler.get_id() == 'msvc' python3 = find_program('python3', version: '>=3.5') # Do we build from a git repository? # Suppose we do if and only if the meson.build file is tracked by git. cmd_py = ''' import shutil, subprocess, sys git_exe = shutil.which('git') if not git_exe: sys.exit(1) cmd = [ git_exe, 'ls-files', '--error-unmatch', 'meson.build' ] sys.exit(subprocess.run(cmd, cwd=sys.argv[1], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).returncode) ''' is_git_build = run_command( python3, '-c', cmd_py, project_source_root, check: false, ).returncode() == 0 # Are we testing a dist tarball while it's being built? # There ought to be a better way. https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/6866 is_dist_check = project_source_root.contains('dist-unpack') and \ project_build_root.contains('dist-build') # Options. maintainer_mode_opt = get_option('maintainer-mode') maintainer_mode = maintainer_mode_opt == 'true' or \ (maintainer_mode_opt == 'if-git-build' and is_git_build) if is_dist_check message('Looks like a tarball is being tested. ' + \ 'Option "dist-warnings" is used instead of "warnings".') cpp_warnings = get_option('dist-warnings') else cpp_warnings = get_option('warnings') endif if get_option('warning_level') in ['0','1','2','3','4','5'] warning_level = get_option('warning_level').to_int() else # For instance get_option('warning_level') == 'everything' warning_level = 99 endif werror = get_option('werror') build_deprecated_api = get_option('build-deprecated-api') build_exceptions_api = get_option('build-exceptions-api') build_documentation_opt = get_option('build-documentation') build_documentation = build_documentation_opt == 'true' or \ (build_documentation_opt == 'if-maintainer-mode' and maintainer_mode) build_examples = get_option('build-examples') build_tests_opt = get_option('build-tests') use_msvc14x_toolset_ver = get_option('msvc14x-parallel-installable') # Installation directories are relative to {prefix}. install_prefix = get_option('prefix') install_includedir = get_option('includedir') install_libdir = get_option('libdir') install_datadir = get_option('datadir') install_pkgconfigdir = install_libdir / 'pkgconfig' # Dependencies. # cairomm_build_dep: Dependencies when building the cairomm library. # cairomm_dep (created in cairomm/meson.build): # Dependencies when using the cairomm library. sigcxx_req = '>= 3.0.0' cairo_req = '>= 1.14.0' # There are pkg-config files for sigc++ on MSVC, so just use that. sigcxx_dep = dependency('sigc++-3.0', version: sigcxx_req) cairo_dep = dependency('cairo', version: cairo_req, required: not is_msvc) # This is clearly on Windows... if not cairo_dep.found() cairo_dep = cpp_compiler.find_library('cairo', has_headers: [ 'cairo.h', 'cairo-win32.h' ]) endif cairomm_build_dep = [sigcxx_dep, cairo_dep] cairomm_requires = [ 'sigc++-3.0', sigcxx_req, ] cairomm_extra_libs = '' if cairo_dep.type_name() == 'pkgconfig' cairomm_requires += [ 'cairo', cairo_req ] else cairomm_extra_libs = '-lcairo' endif cairomm_requires = ' '.join(cairomm_requires) if is_msvc # We must have Visual Studio 2017 15.7 or later... assert(cpp_compiler.version().split('.')[0].to_int() >= 19 and \ cpp_compiler.version().split('.')[1].to_int() >= 15, 'Visual Studio 2017 15.7 or later is required') endif # Needed for M_PI on Visual Studio and some MinGW versions if host_machine.system() == 'windows' add_project_arguments('-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES', language: 'cpp') endif # Some dependencies are required only in maintainer mode and/or # if documentation shall be built. mm_common_get = find_program('mm-common-get', required: false) if maintainer_mode and not mm_common_get.found() message('Maintainer mode requires the \'mm-common-get\' command. If it is not found,\n' + 'use \'-Dmaintainer-mode=false\' or install the \'mm-common\' package, version 1.0.0 or higher.') # If meson --wrap-mode != forcefallback, Meson falls back to the mm-common # subproject only if mm-common-get is required. mm_common_get = find_program('mm-common-get', required: true) endif doxygen = find_program('doxygen', required: build_documentation) dot = find_program('dot', required: build_documentation) # Used by Doxygen xsltproc = find_program('xsltproc', required: build_documentation) # Some dependencies are required only for building the test programs. USE_SHARED_BOOST = get_option('boost-shared') # Use shared Boost::Test? boost_unit_test_framework_dep = dependency('boost', modules: 'unit_test_framework', static: not USE_SHARED_BOOST, version: '>=1.63.0', required: false) fontconfig_dep = dependency('fontconfig', required: false) test_dep = [ boost_unit_test_framework_dep, fontconfig_dep] can_test = boost_unit_test_framework_dep.found() and \ (fontconfig_dep.found() or host_machine.system() == 'windows') build_tests = build_tests_opt == 'true' or \ (build_tests_opt == 'if-dependencies-found' and can_test) if build_tests and not can_test error('Building the test programs requires Boost Test, version 1.33.1 or higher and Fontconfig.\n' + \ 'Install them or use -Dbuild-tests=false or -Dbuild-tests=if-dependencies-found') endif script_dir = project_source_root / 'untracked' / 'build_scripts' doc_reference_py = script_dir / 'doc-reference.py' dist_changelog_py = script_dir / 'dist-changelog.py' dist_build_scripts_py = script_dir / 'dist-build-scripts.py' if maintainer_mode # Copy files to untracked/build_scripts and untracked/docs. run_command(mm_common_get, '--force', script_dir, project_source_root / 'untracked' / 'docs', check: true, ) elif not import('fs').is_file(doc_reference_py) warning('Missing files in untracked/.\n ' + \ 'Enable maintainer-mode if you want to build documentation or create a dist tarball.') endif # Check if perl is required and available. doc_perl_prop = run_command( python3, doc_reference_py, 'get_script_property', '', # MMDOCTOOLDIR is not used 'requires_perl', check: false, ) if not (doc_perl_prop.returncode() == 0 and doc_perl_prop.stdout() == 'false') # Perl is required, if documentation shall be built. perl = find_program('perl', required: build_documentation) endif # Set compiler warnings. # Meson warns if any of the /W1, /W2, /W3, /W4, /Wall, -Wall, -Wextra, -Werror # compiler options are added with add_project_arguments(). # Avoid such warnings, when possible. # See _warn_about_builtin_args() in meson/mesonbuild/interpreter/interpreter.py. warning_flags = [] if cpp_warnings == 'min' if warning_level == 0 warning_flags = is_msvc ? ['/W2'] : ['-Wall'] endif elif cpp_warnings == 'max' or cpp_warnings == 'fatal' if warning_level < 3 warning_flags = is_msvc ? ['/W4'] : ['-pedantic', '-Wall', '-Wextra'] endif if not is_msvc warning_flags += '-Wformat-security -Wsuggest-override -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant'.split() endif if cpp_warnings == 'fatal' if not werror warning_flags += is_msvc ? ['/WX'] : ['-Werror'] endif warning_flags += ['-DSIGCXX_DISABLE_DEPRECATED'] endif endif warning_flags = cpp_compiler.get_supported_arguments(warning_flags) add_project_arguments(warning_flags, language: 'cpp') # Add toolset version in builds done with Visual Studio 2017 or later msvc14x_toolset_ver = '' # MSVC: Ignore warnings that aren't really harmful, but make those # that should not be overlooked stand out. if is_msvc disable_warnings_list = [ '/EHsc', # avoid warnings caused by exception handling model used '/utf-8', # Avoid C4819 unicode conversion warnings when building on CJK locales '/wd4800', # Implicit conversion from 'type' to bool. Possible information loss ] # Turn off harmless warnings but make potentially dangerous ones glaring, # distributed with GLib, if available use_recommended_pragmas = cpp_compiler.get_supported_arguments('/FImsvc_recommended_pragmas.h') if use_recommended_pragmas.length() > 0 add_project_arguments(use_recommended_pragmas, language: 'cpp') else disable_warnings_list += [ '/wd4244', # 'conversion' conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data '/wd4101', # unreferenced local variable ] endif if host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86_64' or host_machine.cpu_family() == 'aarch64' # 'var' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'type', possible loss of data (applies on 64-bit builds) disable_warnings_list += '/wd4267' endif add_project_arguments( cpp_compiler.get_supported_arguments(disable_warnings_list), language: 'cpp' ) if use_msvc14x_toolset_ver if cpp_compiler.version().version_compare('>=19.30') msvc14x_toolset_ver = '-vc143' elif cpp_compiler.version().version_compare('>=19.20') msvc14x_toolset_ver = '-vc142' elif cpp_compiler.version().version_compare('>=19.10') msvc14x_toolset_ver = '-vc141' endif endif endif cairomm_libname = meson.project_name() + msvc14x_toolset_ver + '-' + cairomm_api_version # Create cairommconfig.h. mm_conf_data = configuration_data() if not build_deprecated_api mm_conf_data.set('CAIROMM_DISABLE_DEPRECATED', 1) endif if build_exceptions_api mm_conf_data.set('CAIROMM_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED', 1) endif mm_conf_data.set('CAIROMM_MAJOR_VERSION', cairomm_major_version) mm_conf_data.set('CAIROMM_MINOR_VERSION', cairomm_minor_version) mm_conf_data.set('CAIROMM_MICRO_VERSION', cairomm_micro_version) mm_conf_data.set('VERSION', meson.project_version()) # for MSVC_NMake/cairomm/cairomm.rc cairommconfig_h_meson = files('cairommconfig.h.meson') install_includeconfigdir = install_libdir / cairomm_pcname / 'include' configure_file( input: cairommconfig_h_meson, output: 'cairommconfig.h', configuration: mm_conf_data, install_dir: install_includeconfigdir, ) # add_dist_script() is not allowed in a subproject if meson.version() < 0.58.0. can_add_dist_script = not meson.is_subproject() or meson.version().version_compare('>= 0.58.0') subdir('MSVC_NMake/cairomm') subdir('data') subdir('cairomm') subdir('examples') subdir('tests') subdir('docs/reference') if can_add_dist_script # Add a ChangeLog file to the distribution directory. meson.add_dist_script( python3, dist_changelog_py, project_source_root, ) # Don't distribute these files and directories. dont_distribute = [ 'tools', '.gitlab-ci.yml', 'examples/Makefile.am_fragment', ] # Add build scripts to the distribution directory, and delete .gitignore # files and an empty $MESON_PROJECT_DIST_ROOT/build/ directory. meson.add_dist_script( python3, dist_build_scripts_py, project_source_root, 'untracked' / 'build_scripts', dont_distribute, ) endif if meson.is_subproject() pkgconfig_vars = { 'htmlrefdir': install_prefix / install_docdir / 'reference' / 'html', 'htmlrefpub': 'https://cairo.pages.freedesktop.org/' + pkg_conf_data.get_unquoted('PACKAGE_TARNAME') } if build_documentation pkgconfig_vars += {'doxytagfile': tag_file.full_path()} # May be used in a main project. global_tag_file_target = tag_file endif cairomm_dep = declare_dependency( dependencies: cairomm_own_dep, variables: pkgconfig_vars, ) # A main project that looks for cairomm_pcname.pc shall find cairomm_dep. meson.override_dependency(cairomm_pcname, cairomm_dep) endif # Print a summary. real_maintainer_mode = '' if maintainer_mode_opt == 'if-git-build' real_maintainer_mode = ' (@0@)'.format(maintainer_mode) endif real_build_documentation = '' if build_documentation_opt == 'if-maintainer-mode' real_build_documentation = ' (@0@)'.format(build_documentation) endif real_build_tests = '' if build_tests_opt == 'if-dependencies-found' real_build_tests = ' (@0@)'.format(build_tests) endif summary = [ '', '------', meson.project_name() + ' ' + meson.project_version(), '', ' Maintainer mode: @0@@1@'.format(maintainer_mode_opt, real_maintainer_mode), ' Compiler warnings: @0@ (warning_level: @1@, werror: @2@)'. \ format(cpp_warnings, warning_level, werror), ' Build deprecated API: @0@'.format(build_deprecated_api), 'Build HTML documentation: @0@@1@'.format(build_documentation_opt, real_build_documentation), ' Build example programs: @0@'.format(build_examples), ' Build test programs: @0@@1@'.format(build_tests_opt, real_build_tests), ' Use shared Boost Test: @0@'.format(USE_SHARED_BOOST), 'Directories:', ' prefix: @0@'.format(install_prefix), ' includedir: @0@'.format(install_prefix / install_includedir), ' includecairommdir: @0@'.format(install_prefix / install_includedir / cairomm_pcname), ' libdir: @0@'.format(install_prefix / install_libdir), ' includeconfigdir: @0@'.format(install_prefix / install_includeconfigdir), ' pkgconfigdir: @0@'.format(install_prefix / install_pkgconfigdir), ' datadir: @0@'.format(install_prefix / install_datadir), ' docdir: @0@'.format(install_prefix / install_docdir), ' devhelpdir: @0@'.format(install_prefix / install_devhelpdir), '------' ] message('\n'.join(summary))