== SPI == The following steps should be completed in the root directory of your apoc-spi local repository branch. Before to continue, make sure you have all the dependencies requeried by this package: * Java SE JDK 1.4 or higher (http://www.java.com) * The autotools set (autoconf, automake and libtool) * Apache ANT (http://ant.apache.org/) * Mozilla (former Netscape's) Directory SDK for Java (http://www.mozilla.org/directory/javasdk.html) - Step 1: Generating the configure script - ------------------------------------------- NOTE: Tarball releases already include a configure script so this step is unnecessary in that case. $ ./autogen.sh --help If no errors occur, the configure script will be generated successfully and its help output would be shown. - Step 2: Calling the configure script - ---------------------------------------- In the root path of the source code, you should execute the configure script. For more information on changing the default paths, execute configure with the --help option. $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-ns-ldap-path=/path/to/ldapjdk.jar NOTE: We assume here that java, javac and ant are in the binary path. The ldapjdk.jar would be looked by default on /usr/share/lib/apoc/ldapjdk.jar, it can be located elsewhere, use the --with-ns-ldap-path option used in the example for any other location. - Step 3: Building the sources - -------------------------------- If the configuration ends successfully, then you should build and install the sources: $ make $ make install Once complete, the SPI jar file, spi.jar should be available under your prefix directory as share/lib/apoc/spi.jar.