------------------- - Desktop Agent - ------------------- The following steps should be completed in the agent sub directory of the root path of the source code. Before to continue, make sure you have all the dependencies requeried by this package: * The APOC SPI * Berkeley DB (v4.2) library Java bindings * Heimdall Generic Security Service libraries and headers * LibXML2 libraries and headers Step 1: Generating the configure script ----------------------------------------- NOTE: Tarball releases already include a configure script so this step is unnecessary in that case. Type this to generate the configure script: $ ./autogen.sh --help Step 2: Calling the configure script -------------------------------------- In the root path of the source code, you should execute the configure script. For more information on changing the default paths, execute configure with the --help option. $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-bdb-path=/path/to/db.jar NOTE: You should use the same prefix than the SPI. The db.jar would be looked by default on /usr/share/lib/apoc/db.jar, it can be located elsewhere, use the --with-bdb-path option used in the example for any other location. Step 3: Building the sources ------------------------------ If the configuration ends successfully, then you should build and install the sources: $ make $ make install Post Installation ------------------- To start the daemon the build generates an init.d script (initd/apocd) that should be installed manually. An SMF manifest for SOLARIS is generated and installed under the prefix directory as svc/manifest/network/apocd.xml, the SMF database should be updated manually.