/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * mmcli -- Control modem status & access information from the command line * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2021 Aleksander Morgado * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2021 Google, Inc. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _LIBMM_INSIDE_MMCLI #include #include "mmcli.h" #include "mmcli-common.h" #include "mmcli-output.h" /* Context */ typedef struct { MMManager *manager; GCancellable *cancellable; MMObject *object; MMModem3gpp *modem_3gpp; } Context; static Context *ctx; /* Options */ static gboolean scan_flag; static gboolean register_home_flag; static gchar *register_in_operator_str; static gchar *set_eps_ue_mode_operation_str; static gchar *set_initial_eps_bearer_settings_str; static gchar *disable_facility_lock_str; static gchar *set_packet_service_state_str; static GOptionEntry entries[] = { { "3gpp-scan", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &scan_flag, "Scan for available networks in a given modem.", NULL }, { "3gpp-register-home", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, ®ister_home_flag, "Request a given modem to register in its home network", NULL }, { "3gpp-register-in-operator", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, ®ister_in_operator_str, "Request a given modem to register in the network of the given operator", "[MCCMNC]" }, { "3gpp-set-eps-ue-mode-operation", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &set_eps_ue_mode_operation_str, "Set the UE mode of operation for EPS", "[ps-1|ps-2|csps-1|csps-2]" }, { "3gpp-set-initial-eps-bearer-settings", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &set_initial_eps_bearer_settings_str, "Set the initial EPS bearer settings", "[\"key=value,...\"]" }, { "3gpp-disable-facility-lock", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &disable_facility_lock_str, "Disable facility personalization", "[facility,key]" }, { "3gpp-set-packet-service-state", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &set_packet_service_state_str, "Set packet service state", "[attached|detached]" }, { NULL } }; GOptionGroup * mmcli_modem_3gpp_get_option_group (void) { GOptionGroup *group; group = g_option_group_new ("3gpp", "3GPP options:", "Show 3GPP related options", NULL, NULL); g_option_group_add_entries (group, entries); return group; } gboolean mmcli_modem_3gpp_options_enabled (void) { static guint n_actions = 0; static gboolean checked = FALSE; if (checked) return !!n_actions; n_actions = (scan_flag + register_home_flag + !!register_in_operator_str + !!set_eps_ue_mode_operation_str + !!set_initial_eps_bearer_settings_str + !!disable_facility_lock_str + !!set_packet_service_state_str); if (n_actions > 1) { g_printerr ("error: too many 3GPP actions requested\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Scanning networks takes really a long time, so we do it asynchronously * always to avoid DBus timeouts */ if (scan_flag) mmcli_force_async_operation (); checked = TRUE; return !!n_actions; } static void context_free (void) { if (!ctx) return; if (ctx->cancellable) g_object_unref (ctx->cancellable); if (ctx->modem_3gpp) g_object_unref (ctx->modem_3gpp); if (ctx->object) g_object_unref (ctx->object); if (ctx->manager) g_object_unref (ctx->manager); g_free (ctx); } static void ensure_modem_enabled (void) { if (mm_modem_get_state (mm_object_peek_modem (ctx->object)) < MM_MODEM_STATE_ENABLED) { g_printerr ("error: modem not enabled yet\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Success */ } static void ensure_modem_3gpp (void) { if (!ctx->modem_3gpp) { g_printerr ("error: modem has no 3GPP capabilities\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Success */ } void mmcli_modem_3gpp_shutdown (void) { context_free (); } static void scan_process_reply (GList *result, const GError *error) { if (!result) { g_printerr ("error: couldn't scan networks in the modem: '%s'\n", error ? error->message : "unknown error"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } mmcli_output_scan_networks (result); mmcli_output_dump (); g_list_free_full (result, (GDestroyNotify) mm_modem_3gpp_network_free); } static void scan_ready (MMModem3gpp *modem_3gpp, GAsyncResult *result) { GList *operation_result; GError *error = NULL; operation_result = mm_modem_3gpp_scan_finish (modem_3gpp, result, &error); scan_process_reply (operation_result, error); mmcli_async_operation_done (); } static void register_process_reply (gboolean result, const GError *error) { if (!result) { g_printerr ("error: couldn't register the modem: '%s'\n", error ? error->message : "unknown error"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } g_print ("successfully registered the modem\n"); } static void register_ready (MMModem3gpp *modem_3gpp, GAsyncResult *result) { gboolean operation_result; GError *error = NULL; operation_result = mm_modem_3gpp_register_finish (modem_3gpp, result, &error); register_process_reply (operation_result, error); mmcli_async_operation_done (); } static void set_initial_eps_bearer_settings_process_reply (gboolean result, const GError *error) { if (!result) { g_printerr ("error: couldn't set initial EPS bearer properties: '%s'\n", error ? error->message : "unknown error"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } g_print ("Successfully set initial EPS bearer properties\n"); } static void set_initial_eps_bearer_settings_ready (MMModem3gpp *modem, GAsyncResult *res) { gboolean result; GError *error = NULL; result = mm_modem_3gpp_set_initial_eps_bearer_settings_finish (modem, res, &error); set_initial_eps_bearer_settings_process_reply (result, error); mmcli_async_operation_done (); } static void set_eps_ue_mode_operation_process_reply (gboolean result, const GError *error) { if (!result) { g_printerr ("error: couldn't set UE mode of operation for EPS: '%s'\n", error ? error->message : "unknown error"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } g_print ("successfully set UE mode of operation for EPS\n"); } static void set_eps_ue_mode_operation_ready (MMModem3gpp *modem, GAsyncResult *result) { gboolean operation_result; GError *error = NULL; operation_result = mm_modem_3gpp_set_eps_ue_mode_operation_finish (modem, result, &error); set_eps_ue_mode_operation_process_reply (operation_result, error); mmcli_async_operation_done (); } static void parse_eps_ue_mode_operation (MMModem3gppEpsUeModeOperation *uemode) { GError *error = NULL; *uemode = mm_common_get_eps_ue_mode_operation_from_string (set_eps_ue_mode_operation_str, &error); if (error) { g_printerr ("error: couldn't parse UE mode of operation for EPS: '%s'\n", error->message); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } static void disable_facility_lock_process_reply (gboolean result, const GError *error) { if (!result) { g_printerr ("error: couldn't disable facility lock: '%s'\n", error ? error->message : "unknown error"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } g_print ("successfully disabled facility lock\n"); } static gboolean disable_facility_lock_parse_input (const gchar *str, MMModem3gppFacility *out_facility, gchar **out_control_key) { g_auto(GStrv) properties = NULL; MMModem3gppFacility facility; properties = g_strsplit (str, ",", -1); if (!properties || !properties[0] || !properties[1]) return FALSE; /* Facilities is a bitmask, if 0 is returned we failed parsing */ facility = mm_common_get_3gpp_facility_from_string (properties[0], NULL); if (!facility) return FALSE; *out_facility = facility; *out_control_key = g_strdup (properties[1]); return TRUE; } static void disable_facility_lock_ready (MMModem3gpp *modem_3gpp, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer nothing) { gboolean operation_result; GError *error = NULL; operation_result = mm_modem_3gpp_disable_facility_lock_finish (modem_3gpp, result, &error); disable_facility_lock_process_reply (operation_result, error); mmcli_async_operation_done (); } static void set_packet_service_state_process_reply (gboolean result, const GError *error) { if (!result) { g_printerr ("error: couldn't set packet service state: '%s'\n", error ? error->message : "unknown error"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } g_print ("successfully set packet service state\n"); } static void set_packet_service_state_ready (MMModem3gpp *modem_3gpp, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer nothing) { gboolean operation_result; GError *error = NULL; operation_result = mm_modem_3gpp_set_packet_service_state_finish (modem_3gpp, result, &error); set_packet_service_state_process_reply (operation_result, error); mmcli_async_operation_done (); } static gboolean set_packet_service_state_parse_input (const gchar *str, MMModem3gppPacketServiceState *out_state) { MMModem3gppPacketServiceState state; state = mm_common_get_3gpp_packet_service_state_from_string (str, NULL); if (state == MM_MODEM_3GPP_PACKET_SERVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN) return FALSE; *out_state = state; return TRUE; } static void get_modem_ready (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *result) { ctx->object = mmcli_get_modem_finish (result, &ctx->manager); ctx->modem_3gpp = mm_object_get_modem_3gpp (ctx->object); /* Setup operation timeout */ if (ctx->modem_3gpp) mmcli_force_operation_timeout (G_DBUS_PROXY (ctx->modem_3gpp)); ensure_modem_3gpp (); /* Request to disable facility lock */ if (disable_facility_lock_str) { g_autofree gchar *control_key = NULL; MMModem3gppFacility facility; if (!disable_facility_lock_parse_input (disable_facility_lock_str, &facility, &control_key)) { g_printerr ("Error parsing properties string.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } g_debug ("Asynchronously disabling facility lock..."); mm_modem_3gpp_disable_facility_lock (ctx->modem_3gpp, facility, control_key, ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)disable_facility_lock_ready, NULL); return; } ensure_modem_enabled (); /* Request to scan networks? */ if (scan_flag) { g_debug ("Asynchronously scanning for networks..."); mm_modem_3gpp_scan (ctx->modem_3gpp, ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)scan_ready, NULL); return; } /* Request to register the modem? */ if (register_in_operator_str || register_home_flag) { g_debug ("Asynchronously registering the modem..."); mm_modem_3gpp_register (ctx->modem_3gpp, (register_in_operator_str ? register_in_operator_str : ""), ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)register_ready, NULL); return; } /* Request to set UE mode of operation for EPS? */ if (set_eps_ue_mode_operation_str) { MMModem3gppEpsUeModeOperation uemode; parse_eps_ue_mode_operation (&uemode); g_debug ("Asynchronously setting UE mode of operation for EPS..."); mm_modem_3gpp_set_eps_ue_mode_operation (ctx->modem_3gpp, uemode, ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)set_eps_ue_mode_operation_ready, NULL); return; } /* Request to set initial EPS bearer properties? */ if (set_initial_eps_bearer_settings_str) { GError *error = NULL; MMBearerProperties *config; config = mm_bearer_properties_new_from_string (set_initial_eps_bearer_settings_str, &error); if (!config) { g_printerr ("Error parsing properties string: '%s'\n", error->message); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } g_debug ("Asynchronously setting initial EPS bearer properties..."); mm_modem_3gpp_set_initial_eps_bearer_settings (ctx->modem_3gpp, config, ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)set_initial_eps_bearer_settings_ready, NULL); g_object_unref (config); return; } /* Request to set packet service state */ if (set_packet_service_state_str) { MMModem3gppPacketServiceState state; if (!set_packet_service_state_parse_input (set_packet_service_state_str, &state)) { g_printerr ("Error parsing packet service state string.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } g_debug ("Asynchronously setting packet service state..."); mm_modem_3gpp_set_packet_service_state (ctx->modem_3gpp, state, ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)set_packet_service_state_ready, NULL); return; } g_warn_if_reached (); } void mmcli_modem_3gpp_run_asynchronous (GDBusConnection *connection, GCancellable *cancellable) { /* Initialize context */ ctx = g_new0 (Context, 1); if (cancellable) ctx->cancellable = g_object_ref (cancellable); /* Get proper modem */ mmcli_get_modem (connection, mmcli_get_common_modem_string (), cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)get_modem_ready, NULL); } void mmcli_modem_3gpp_run_synchronous (GDBusConnection *connection) { GError *error = NULL; /* Initialize context */ ctx = g_new0 (Context, 1); ctx->object = mmcli_get_modem_sync (connection, mmcli_get_common_modem_string (), &ctx->manager); ctx->modem_3gpp = mm_object_get_modem_3gpp (ctx->object); /* Setup operation timeout */ if (ctx->modem_3gpp) mmcli_force_operation_timeout (G_DBUS_PROXY (ctx->modem_3gpp)); ensure_modem_3gpp (); if (scan_flag) g_assert_not_reached (); /* Request to remove carrier lock */ if (disable_facility_lock_str) { g_autofree gchar *control_key = NULL; MMModem3gppFacility facility; gboolean result; if (!disable_facility_lock_parse_input (disable_facility_lock_str, &facility, &control_key)) { g_printerr ("Error parsing properties string.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } g_debug ("Synchronously disabling facility lock..."); result = mm_modem_3gpp_disable_facility_lock_sync (ctx->modem_3gpp, facility, control_key, NULL, &error); disable_facility_lock_process_reply (result, error); return; } ensure_modem_enabled (); /* Request to register the modem? */ if (register_in_operator_str || register_home_flag) { gboolean result; g_debug ("Synchronously registering the modem..."); result = mm_modem_3gpp_register_sync ( ctx->modem_3gpp, (register_in_operator_str ? register_in_operator_str : ""), NULL, &error); register_process_reply (result, error); return; } /* Request to set UE mode of operation for EPS? */ if (set_eps_ue_mode_operation_str) { MMModem3gppEpsUeModeOperation uemode; gboolean result; parse_eps_ue_mode_operation (&uemode); g_debug ("Synchronously setting UE mode of operation for EPS..."); result = mm_modem_3gpp_set_eps_ue_mode_operation_sync (ctx->modem_3gpp, uemode, NULL, &error); set_eps_ue_mode_operation_process_reply (result, error); return; } /* Request to set initial EPS bearer properties? */ if (set_initial_eps_bearer_settings_str) { gboolean result; MMBearerProperties *config; config = mm_bearer_properties_new_from_string (set_initial_eps_bearer_settings_str, &error); if (!config) { g_printerr ("Error parsing properties string: '%s'\n", error->message); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } g_debug ("Synchronously setting initial EPS bearer properties..."); result = mm_modem_3gpp_set_initial_eps_bearer_settings_sync (ctx->modem_3gpp, config, NULL, &error); set_initial_eps_bearer_settings_process_reply (result, error); g_object_unref (config); return; } /* Request to set packet service state */ if (set_packet_service_state_str) { gboolean result; MMModem3gppPacketServiceState state; if (!set_packet_service_state_parse_input (set_packet_service_state_str, &state)) { g_printerr ("Error parsing packet service state string.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } g_debug ("Asynchronously setting packet service state..."); result = mm_modem_3gpp_set_packet_service_state_sync (ctx->modem_3gpp, state, NULL, &error); set_packet_service_state_process_reply (result, error); return; } g_warn_if_reached (); }